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  1. #11
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    My first impulse is to say that I do not like them, but upon further consideration, I can see the benefits of them. Not sure that I would buy one, but I said that I would only get one kilt in my life and wear it on special occasions. You may never know, and I do wish them well.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  2. #12
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    That's evolution at work!

    If this is girly it comes with a hard punch. 8)

    It is realy promisingly.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Red Eye

    I'll take the car pass on the bikes(too small)
    The red eye kilt...there is a picture of the young lad about to sit down...notice how far around the right buckle is. Imagine sitting in a chair and having the buckle press against your back. Not too comfy.
    The stripe kilt looks great from the back with the verigated colours, nifty, the front panels didn't turn my crank. Be interesting to note the reaction at the Fringe Festival.
    Thanks Hamish for the link.
    A freind of mine just got back from Scotland, and commented on a number of new styles that were out there. One he wasn't to keen on was a St. Andrews cross in the middle of the back of the kilt.
    cheers All
    The leather and hemp Kilt Guy in Stratford, Ontario

  4. #14
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    Wow! Those are some kilts!! Personally, I like things that are a little different, and I find most of these designs very interesting, and even rather exciting in a few cases. Admittedly they are bordering on being fey, but whimsy can that for you.

    Obviously the folks at kiltstore.net, a business with which I have had a good CS experience, wish to foray into the world of *especially* upscale kilts. Actually, I would call this more of a pioneer venture since the steep prices seem rather unprecedented to me, at least where kilts are concerned. I can understand paying hard earned money for a well made product, and have spent a considerable amount myself over the course of the past few months proving this in going from zero to ten kilts, but the prices involved here ["...prices start at over a thousand pounds."] reek of utter pretentiousness. Pretentiousness always annoys me.

    From a stylistic viewpoint I am pleased with the products I see at kilt2. A little fancy or whimsy is certainly welcome, and there is obviously always a market for 'upscale' as the fashion industry has proven many times over. However, from a perspective of pricing I am equally appalled. This is a time when we should be trying to get more men into kilts by making them more accessible [read: affordable] instead of making them appear as overpriced, trendy flash.

    Perhaps the best way for me to look at this is by telling myself that kilt2 represents a harbinger that the time of the kilt is arriving. If they can get folks to shell out what I consider extreme amounts of cash in order to come away with a single kilt, then they will be successful and kudos to them. Somehow though, I don't see many more men wearing kilts as a result of what I have just seen on kilt2.

    If they are successful it will be a case of 'good for them', not necessarily 'good for the kilt'.

    Move over TFCK? Perhaps a smidgen.


  5. #15
    Miah is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I like them well atleast a couple of them, but i have to agree if they intend to sell 6 yard denim kilts with screen prints on them for upwards of 500$
    they will not catch on. being made of denim and all is a great way to make the kilt more afforable to the Avg wearer. I still only have 1 kilt mostly because they are expensive garments and after years of wearing the same 5 or so pairs of 20-30 dollar pants spending more then 100 on a item is a huge shock. There is no way i could buy a 800+ dollars item and wear it I would have to fram it or something and put it on display. or it had better drive me around and provide sexual favors.

  6. #16
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    This line is aimed at the elite with more money than sense. Pure snob appeal, but I doubt it'll fly. These might look ok in an art museum, but on the street they'll look silly and I doubt they'll go over even if they cut the price in half. I appreciate that they're exploring new territory with this, but I think they're barking up the wrong tree.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miah
    I like them well at least a couple of them, but i have to agree if they intend to sell 6 yard denim kilts with screen prints on them for upwards of 500$ they will not catch on.
    From where did this $500 figure come? The prices on the site claim POA [price on asking?], with the following found by selecting the "Enquiries" link.

    "All garments are currently made to order, take a number of weeks to produce, and prices start at over a thousand pounds. But we will be introducing further innovative collections within the coming months including stock ranges at more affordable prices."

    That is somewhere in the neighborhood of $1800 USD- for starters. Concerning the promise of items of a more "affordable" and "innovative" nature, are we talking about a 4 yard kilt fashioned from cheesecloth in lieu of 6 yards of luxurious denim?

    As an aside, someone mentioned the Saltire kilt with the St. Andrew's cross woven into its pleats... For the record, it costs roughly $560 and is made from 13 oz. wool.


  8. #18
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    $1800 US for a kilt? That is too rich for me. For that kind of money. I can buy 20 4 yard kilts or 9 8 yarder from Bear.

  9. #19
    macwilkin is offline
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    Urgh..where..is...heart medicine...must..find...nitro pills...or else...


  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Many thanks for the link Hamish. The styles are fabulous. I would have purchased the red stripey one until I noticed the prices start at £1,000.00. I do not think they will sell many at that price. Lets hope their cheap collection is as good !

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