25th February 13, 01:21 PM
Bravo to him for trying. Sporran not for me, but it's pretty neat.
He looked better than Sir Sean does at times.....
The other kiltie - Seth MacFarlane's father....
Daft Wullie, ye do hae the brains o’ a beetle, an’ I’ll fight any scunner who says different!
25th February 13, 01:29 PM
Here's a larger version of Seth Macfarlane's father, Ronald Macfarlane, kilted at the oscars. http://i.imgur.com/Xf4BQpG.jpg
Last edited by mbelcher; 25th February 13 at 01:31 PM.
25th February 13, 01:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Tough crowd. A guy who doesn't usually wear a kilt goes to some expense and effort to wear one at a high-profile public gathering and all we can do is talk about how he did it wrong. ...
He looks great. If I wore the "perfect" Scottish attire (whatever that is), I wouldn't look as good as he does.
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.
25th February 13, 01:43 PM
 Originally Posted by mbelcher
Diggin the clogs! old guys rock! I like that Sporran too.
25th February 13, 01:48 PM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Tough crowd. A guy who doesn't usually wear a kilt goes to some expense and effort to wear one at a high-profile public gathering and all we can do is talk about how he did it wrong.
Same here
25th February 13, 04:28 PM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Tough crowd. A guy who doesn't usually wear a kilt goes to some expense and effort to wear one at a high-profile public gathering and all we can do is talk about how he did it wrong.
I've seen a lot worse pictures of "fashionable wear" at glitzorgies like the Oscars, than this.
I enjoyed the movie but I don't even know the directors name, but kudos to him for strapping on a kilt and getting out with it.
I'm of 2 minds on this...
On one hand, I completely agree. He didn't look 'too bad' and he is in a high visibility role for his movie and had his minute on TV and chose to do so in a kilt. All the more positive publicity, all the better.
On the other hand, if he has gone through all the trouble of buying the jacket (though the sleeves are a bit too short), kilt, expensive sporran, hose, flashes, belt and buckle, why wouldn't he have gone to a place with a solid reputation and just asked "Could you help me put this outfit together so I know I'm looking my best at the Oscars?" If I was going somewhere and I had to go in a tux, I'd go to a tux shop and take THEIR ADVICE how to put the outfit together as I don't wear tuxedos.
We have tons of customers who come into our shop and seek advice on their outfit to make sure "they're doing it the right way". It doesn't seem like he asked for that advice (and if he did, then the person giving it wasn't very knowledgeable).
Again, I see both sides in this one.
My $.02
25th February 13, 05:03 PM
 Originally Posted by RockyR
... On the other hand, if he has gone through all the trouble of buying the jacket (though the sleeves are a bit too short), kilt, expensive sporran, hose, flashes, belt and buckle, why wouldn't he have gone to a place with a solid reputation and just asked "Could you help me put this outfit together so I know I'm looking my best at the Oscars?" If I was going somewhere and I had to go in a tux, I'd go to a tux shop and take THEIR ADVICE how to put the outfit together as I don't wear tuxedos. ... It doesn't seem like he asked for that advice (and if he did, then the person giving it wasn't very knowledgeable). ..,
Rocky: Yes, but you and I are ordinary mortals. The demi-gods of Hollywood (not Holyrood) don't live like we do. My guess, and it is purely a guess, is that some factotum to the assistant to his wardrobe manager was told something like,
"Duncan! Go get some Scottish accoutrements for Mr. Andrews to wear to the Oscars with his Brave kilt, and hurry back."
Then, while his valet assisted in dressing him, and while he was engaged in small talk with that gorgeous lass in the orange dress, he glanced into a mirror and said something like, "That looks fine. Let's go. We're already late."
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.
25th February 13, 05:09 PM
 Originally Posted by mookien
Rocky: Yes, but you and I are ordinary mortals. The demi-gods of Hollywood (not Holyrood) don't live like we do. My guess, and it is purely a guess, is that some factotum to the assistant to his wardrobe manager was told something like,
"Duncan! Go get some Scottish accoutrements for Mr. Andrews to wear to the Oscars with his Brave kilt, and hurry back."
Then, while his valet assisted in dressing him, and while he was engaged in small talk with that gorgeous lass in the orange dress, he glanced into a mirror and said something like, "That looks fine. Let's go. We're already late."
Yes, but how did he not see the jacket sleeves are way too short? All I can think is that he ran out of time and had to find SOMETHING to fit. Since the sleeves were too short, he wore a black shirt to help 'camouflage' the fact. If that's the case, then he did the best he could to cover it up on short notice.
Last edited by RockyR; 25th February 13 at 05:11 PM.
25th February 13, 05:41 PM
Seriously....we are ragging on this guy for having his second assistant, who doesn't know jack about kilts, supply him with a jacket that's an inch too short in the sleeves.
STOP a minute and look at this picture. You see the guy behind him in the dark glasses? He's wearing a tuxedo with no tie, and if you look closely, you'll see that he's wearing running shoes.
"Traditional" is NOT the modus operandi here.
Look, here's Cher at the Oscars. Gosh, I think her sleeves are a bit too long.

The pciture on the right is from THIS years Oscars. Hmmm...black shirt, black tie. Maybe Black shirts and bow ties are "IN" this year in Hollywood.

Looks like Elton John wore a black shirt, too.

Let's look at some of the women. I know MY wife wears stuff like this every time we go to a party.

This is HOLLYWOOD. He's a FILM DIRECTOR, not someone from the Caledonian Club.
25th February 13, 05:46 PM
Rocky, he didn't go to your shop to ask how it should be worn, I'm sure the concept of "wearing it properly" never occurred to him. If he did go to a shop for advice, it will have been to some neuveaux fashionista consultant who probably fussed over him and came up with what you see, thinking it was "edgy". Or who knows what.
The Oscars are all about ridiculous extravagance and celebration of the movie industry. It's another one of a million chances for that industries glitteratti to go out and party and show off and get their pictures taken.
"Traditional kilt directives" kind of don't amount to a hill of beans, here. They're irrelevant. Iconsequential. Nonexistant. Proceed at your own risk.
The guy wore a kilt! YAY! That's about as much as we can expect to get out of this.
Last edited by Alan H; 25th February 13 at 05:47 PM.
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