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  1. #1
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    What jacket to get?

    Hello everyone. I am looking for a day wear jacket to go with my Roxburgh Ancient kilt. I am interested in knowing what everyone thinks. I like the tweed argyll but I also like the contemporary tweed too. Another major issue is what jacket color to get for a predominately red tartan? I would be mostly wearing it to church and to non-formal functions.

    Kilted in SoVa

  2. #2
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    I took a a look at the Roxburgh Ancient on Lochcarron's site. I'd choose a simple medium grey tweed jacket. It will be sharp, versatile and appropriate for all daywear situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
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  3. #3
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    I wouls nip over to the USA Kilt site (via portal top LHS of top advertisers banner) and check out the tweed jacket section. Rocky has a number of tweeds that he can supply. Two that I thought would go well were LM Kirk 572 and 581. By the way, you get a jacket and vest for 399.99.
    I purchased one some time ago and the quality is beautiful. You also get to select the style of cuffs, number of front closure buttons and yae or nae to epaulettes
    Last edited by Downunder Kilt; 25th February 13 at 10:52 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Hi!! And welcome to the mad house!

    Well, I wear the same tartan, and I find that most things match really..... So:

    I know this is not a jacket, but Arran creme goes very nicely on the top. Cream hose always look good too (I think it is possibly because it picks up the white check).
    Black jackets look really sharp because of he contrast - but they do emphasise the brightness of our tartan (which I have described before as being bright enough to stun coos at 20 yards).
    My ancient (photos below) is more orange than red, and because of the greens and orange, brown looks really good too - darker, rather than lighter.
    Because of the blue in the tartan, a Lovat blue tends to go nicely too.
    Grey tends to pick up the thin white check too.
    I have recently bought a P-37 ex mil Khaki jacket which goes nicely too, and I also have a bottle green patrol jacket which also picks up the green (though, in my opinion is slightly the wrong colour)

    In my opinion, we can get away with pretty much any colour jacket - but, I have a lot of trouble trying to stop anything making the tartan stand out quite so much and peeling the paint of near by cars......

    IMG_0024.jpgIMG_4442.jpgSitting at the fireplace.jpgIMG_0187.jpg

    It sounds like your Roxburgh may be more redder than mine - but these might give you a few ideas!
    Last edited by Shedlock2000; 26th February 13 at 01:46 PM. Reason: missing letter
    "The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it" (Terry Pratchett).

  5. #5
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    Have a look at my(Jock Scot) "latest started threads" and find the title "Tweed Argyll", you may find some helpful reading amongst the posts.
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  6. #6
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    There are so many good tweed options! I think a tweed that is predominantly brown, or grey, or lovat green or lovat blue would look just great with that tartan. In other words, I think it would be hard to find a tweed that wouldn't work. So the question is what color/pattern do [I]you/I] like?

    Whether you opt for argyle (gauntlet) cuffs, or plain (crail) cuffs is also a matter of personal taste and preference. Whichever you choose I know you'll get a lot of wear out of it.

  7. #7
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    I recently purchased a new 'Argyll' style jacket and waistcoat in a Kirkton medium weight tweed from Lovat Mill (see below). Many of my Macpherson kilts are predominately red too and I knew I wanted an 'earthy,' brownish coloured, check tweed. Then again, I am rather fond of loud checks and patterned tweeds. I think my choice of tweed will work quite well with the overall reddish hue of the Macpherson Reproduction tartan (see below) by D.C. Dalgliesh.

    I agree with Matt's advice and recommendation. I find that almost any colour or style of tweed will go well with red-based tartans. You just have to find the tweed that suits your needs and style preferences, which can be much easier said than done...trust me! There are so many tweed options available, from many different mills...the possibilities are truly endless. But, you can narrow a few tweeds down by ordering swatches, or looking at eletronic swatches online and comparing or contrasting them with your tartan. This is my approach, in which I find very effective and useful. However, I still have a backlog of previously selected tweeds (most of which are brown to greenish-brown and have loud to subtle patterns) that I am very keen on having made up in additional 'Argyll' style jackets and waistcoats...all in good time, naturally!

    Best of luck,
    Last edited by creagdhubh; 26th February 13 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Typo.

  8. #8
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    Ooh that's lovely there, creagdhubh! I can see I lovely brass MOD cantle brown sporran with it too...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Downunder Kilt View Post
    I wouls nip over to the USA Kilt site (via portal top LHS of top advertisers banner) and check out the tweed jacket section. Rocky has a number of tweeds that he can supply. Two that I thought would go well were LM Kirk 572 and 581. By the way, you get a jacket and vest for 399.99.
    I purchased one some time ago and the quality is beautiful. You also get to select the style of cuffs, number of front closure buttons and yae or nae to epaulettes

    This is where I ordered my recent 'Argyll' style jacket and waistcoat and let me tell you, Rocky was a pleasure to speak/e-mail with, and he ensured that every detail of my order was to my precise specifications (And I can be very, very OCD when it comes to ordering things, especially Highland attire items). He is delightful to do business with and his expertise, knowledge, professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment to his patrons is self evident.

    I originally planned to go with an 'Argyll' style jacket and waistcoat made of the heavy weight Haggart's tweed, yet decided to forego that option in fear that the tweed would simply be far too heavy for the months in which it would be predominately worn. Now, if I lived in the Scottish Highlands year round, then yes, I may have decided to go with the heavier Haggart's tweed. Lovat Mill makes superb tweeds and their medium weight, Kirkton range is very beautiful with lots of different checks, patterns, and solids to choose from. It's rather difficult to make a decision of which tweed to go with when you really love them all! A good problem to have I suppose.

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 26th February 13 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Typo.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Ooh that's lovely there, creagdhubh! I can see I lovely brass MOD cantle brown sporran with it too...
    Thanks, Richard!
    Last edited by creagdhubh; 26th February 13 at 07:27 AM.

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