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  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th January 11
    Winfield, MO (originally from NE Scotland)
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    Almost free USMC boots

    Not quite as good as Rocky's giveaway, but almost...

    Bates had a problems with their contract for USMC Rat boots (rugged all terrain)... Apparently they werent quite up to snuff which caused the contract to get pulled.

    Long story short, Bates has a lot of boots to get rid of... Cheap...


    Apparently all the defective boots are gone and they are only left with perfect ones... The eagle on the emblem is over stamped, but apart from that they're like they should be... Except just a little cheaper.
    Last edited by madmacs; 15th March 13 at 06:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th November 07
    Neenah, Wisconsin
    2 Post(s)
    1 Thread(s)
    Nice boots. I like the Vibram soles. The uppers will wear out before they do. Looks like there's a shipping fee.
    Last edited by Woodsman; 15th March 13 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Couldn't edit before on quick reply
    "The fun of a kilt is to walk, not to sit"


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