Well, it was a good night, no problems with the BW. Got a whole lot of looks and glances at first, later on after the crowd had some drinks, I guess it made everyone comfortable, people wouldn't stop complimenting me on it.

Didn't see any other kilted, although when I entered the pub, the bouncer mentioned he was going to wear his but it was to cold! I did actually get this one girl trying to lift it up at one point, she had a couple more wobbly pops than anyone else in the bar I think.

All in all there were absolutely no problems, I did have some Irish accessories like the Claddagh kilt pin, a green lined sporran with an Irish harp on the flap. I purposely picked up a safety sgian dubh just in case, and I'm glad I did, because one of the bouncers asked me to remove it at one point, so I showed him it didn't have a blade. All of which I picked up from John at Keltoi last minute, it's nice to live driving distance to a kilt-maker