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  1. #30
    Join Date
    15th February 12
    Seymour , Indiana
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOfficialBren View Post

    I am, by no means, a Tartan Enforcement Agent but I agree. There IS a much deeper meaning to tartan. They may have been arbitrarily adopted or named 200 years ago but they DID become traditional and that should be respected.

    I feel that I should clarify my earlier post.

    While I wouldn't get bent out of shape or outright angry at someone wearing our clan's tartan I would be a bit miffed if I struck up a conversation about it and they said they just liked the colours. I understand. Shaw is a pretty stellar tartan (I am clearly biased here) but there are others out there that might be more suitable and in a similar style (Argyle comes to mind immediately).

    I DO love seeing our colours...but I do feel a bit intruded upon (justifiably or not) when someone just springs for it based solely on its aesthetic value. When the time is right (dropping some weight) I will purchase a fine kilt in our tartan and wear it proudly. That will bring my count to two casuals (Holyrood and Black Watch) and one Tank (or APC [to coin a new term for 6-yarders that would otherwise be a tank if they were 8-yards]) in Shaw Modern.
    That's PLENTY of kilts for me. I don't understand or feel the need to snatch up every tartan that I can. They are symbols of kinship...not collectable trading cards.

    Whew! That was a lot! Sorry for rambling. Just felt the need to clarify.
    Bravo . That wasn't too much for me . If that was a lot ... it certainly was a " good " lot !
    Last edited by MacGumerait; 25th April 13 at 10:38 PM.
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International


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