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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Hi guys,

    When you refer to moths are you talking about normal moths (the ones that flutter around light bulbs) or carpet moths? I live in London and have been trying to get my landlord to change the carpet in my room as every other year the carpet moths seem to breed in huge numbers. I'm worried that they will start attacking/eating my kilts.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by t_challa View Post
    Hi guys,

    When you refer to moths are you talking about normal moths (the ones that flutter around light bulbs) or carpet moths? I live in London and have been trying to get my landlord to change the carpet in my room as every other year the carpet moths seem to breed in huge numbers. I'm worried that they will start attacking/eating my kilts.
    Clothes moths in particular. As far as I know (I'm still learning) normal moths aren't a threat to our wool. Although, I'd personally prefer to not have any moths near my wool. I'm not 100% on the wether or not carpet moths are an issue, I'm sure one of the vets here will know for sure, but I'd assume that if they eat carpet, they probably pose a threat to our wool.

  3. #13
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Plenty of information online. Try here for a start - http://www.rentokil.co.uk/residentia...FVHItAodryYA4Q

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by t_challa View Post
    Hi guys,

    When you refer to moths are you talking about normal moths (the ones that flutter around light bulbs) or carpet moths? I live in London and have been trying to get my landlord to change the carpet in my room as every other year the carpet moths seem to breed in huge numbers. I'm worried that they will start attacking/eating my kilts.
    I am no moth expert and as long as any moth wants to fly around my light bulb then I am content for that to happen and I am quite sure that many of them have no intention of getting into mischief, but should they decide to visit my wardrobes, then I am ready for them and I have learnt from bitter experience that more than one method of defence is wise. Number one, moth proof bags with ceder strips inside, number two the rentokil thingies and in trunks that contain wool that does not see light of day very often, then the good old moth ball does the trick. In passing, the smell of moth balls is pretty good at repelling inquisitive children too! My father when out East in his Navy days had a trunk made that was lined in ceder and then tin lined and with a very precise fitting lid and that, even with no moth bags and moth balls, does keep out the invaders -----its a shame he did not have more made.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 31st May 13 at 04:33 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #15
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    Last edited by thecompaqguy; 2nd June 13 at 10:49 PM. Reason: removed
    Kilted Technician!

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