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Thread: Orkney Tartan?

  1. #1
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    Question Orkney Tartan?

    Recently while digging deeper into my family genealogy (in paticular my MacRanald/Keppoch roots) I discovered that if I went back to the early 11th century (approx 1020 A.D.) in my MacRanald linage that a large number of my ancestors were of Norse origin, via Norway or the Orkney Isles.

    I know that there is a tartan called the Orkney Tartan (Scottish Register of Tartans #2681 -- see illustration below), but all I have found are computer generations of this tartan, some of rather poor quality of detail. Does anyone have a scan or photo of the actual tartan sett itself, and/or of a kilt made of this tartan?

    Also, I noted that this tartan is listed as a "fashion" tartan. Does anyone know if its readily available, and if so who weaves it & in what weights its available in?

    Thanks in advance.

    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  2. #2
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    This one was designed in 2000 by Ronnie Hek (in conjunction with Westray Knitters). His web site is:

    I was hoping you'd be able to find actual photos of the tartan on his web site, but all he they show are computer images. Does say "wool tartan material" is available in the tartan, but no other information. Might be worth emailing.

    Edit: After navigating the site a bit further, I found more information. It is available in poly-viscose, light weight wool, and "kilt weight wool" (though it does not specify what that is). And actual photosgraphs, albeit rather smal ones.
    Last edited by M. A. C. Newsome; 24th June 13 at 04:12 AM.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Matt, I'll give it a look.
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  4. #4
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    Orkney Tartan at the Tartan Gift Shop:

    Yes, I see what you mean Matt, those are rather small pic's .... I also located on thier website photos of the tartan as a ladies beret and a men's necktie, not the best photos. Probably the best photo they had showing the colors in natural sunlight was a teddy bear wearing the Orkney tartan as a sash of sorts (though again it was rather small). I will contact Mr. Hek and see if he's got larger photos and if it'd be possible to obtain a swatch. Thanks again Matt.

    If anyone else runs across photos of this tartan (as a kilt, etc) and could post them to this thread I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  5. #5
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    Went to Orkney last year and did not see this - even in the sole kilt shop. It is nice though.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_Carrick View Post
    Went to Orkney last year and did not see this - even in the sole kilt shop.
    Thanks for your first hand observation John. Not meant to be disparaging of others, but somehow that doesn't surprise me.

    Quote Originally Posted by John_Carrick View Post
    It is nice though.
    I agree!
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

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    John, out of curiosity, did you see many kilts being worn in Orkney?
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoldHighlander View Post
    John, out of curiosity, did you see many kilts being worn in Orkney?
    Back in 2008 when I was on Orkney I was the only one in a Kilt.
    I was told, that kilts are not that common up there because of their norse heritage.

    Little added info because we are always talking about the Lord Lyon having no authority over tartan. The Orkneys had to change their flag because of the court of the Lord Lyon.

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