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  1. #11
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    Let's hope that a Transatlantic tunnel comes to fruition someday.
    The Official [BREN]

  2. #12
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    Yep. Been there, suffered that. If I can't stuff it in the overhead it now stays home.
    Bright side (if there is one), your next sporran will probably be better than the one you gave up to the airport gods. You know, those little mistakes only you see and wish you could correct.

    Good luck.
    " Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." - Mae West -

  3. The Following User Says 'Aye' to MNlad For This Useful Post:

  4. #13
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    It has pushed up my plans for sporran #3. Once I get over my current knitting addiction.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tulloch View Post
    I dread the TSA. When I go this summer I will travel extra-light with only a carry-on bag for a 12-day trip. I will not trust my valuables to such treatment.
    This method of security for your valuable travel items looks like something good to know:

    There is a video link showing how to use the system. Apparently, the TSA does not select employees based on their honesty.

  6. #15
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    RE: BBNC's link

    Being a former TSA agent (I resigned my employment due to moving to a new city and the local airport did not have openings):

    While I find the method usable, I disagree with the author's prejudices. This is apparent in his link to an article stating: "The TSA actually goes out of its way to hire child molesters, pedophiles, and people with criminal records." First, the person in the second article was only accused and not convicted, under the law that means he can't be denied any rights including a job with the federal government. Second, the article states the man slipped through due to bureaucratic BS (granted, this was NOT something that should have been done) NOT the TSA specifically offering jobs to the supposed people in question.

    Fair warning, this sort of cabling together IS GOING to increase the searches you will go through (on the x-ray machine, cables look like electrical wires) AND you may be required to remove the cabling so any individual piece and the bag can be re-x-rayed, if need be.

    Additionally, while yes the TSA does have bad apples in it, so do the ground crews for all the airlines. Some thefts from checked luggage may be from TSA agents, or may be from baggage handlers (baggage theft has been around a LOT longer than the TSA has), or even both in concert. Finally, the author's statement of "1) Easy access to your carry-on bag out of your eyesight." should never happen without your consent in the first place. At all time, you should have visual contact with your carry-on bags. Even if you are being hand-wanded in the seperated area, the walls are glass and every effort is supposed to be made, by both the TSA agents and yourself that you can see your bags at all times, and no one opens your carry-on bag without you being right there.

    The final statement I feel need to comment on: "This is also why TSA goons wear large-fitting pants -- so they can hide all the stolen goods in their pockets!" Anyone who has worked in any government uniformed service knows, unless there is an allowance for the worker to procure his own uniform pieces, then the fit of the clothes are often dubious at best.
    Last edited by Deirachel; 16th July 13 at 02:58 PM.
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  7. #16
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    Yeah. I found the cable idea interesting, but the article scurrilous, insulting, and libellous.

    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  8. #17
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    I went back over my post to make sure I didn't say this, and I didn't, but have to admit it did cross my mind.

    Someone may have intentionally purloined my sporran, belt, and pin. Not really sure why anyone would want my sporran - the belt in pin were inside. Whatever the case, the zippers were open and one of them was actually broken. I doubt it was from rough baggage handling but that was possible. I'm assuming the bag was left open by whomever inspected it, which I'm assuming was a TSA employee. I don't really know.

    The state of my bag was enough to make me think my sporran probably ended up on the floor somewhere after it was inspected and if someone did notice, at a minimum they didn't bother to spend the 30 seconds to put it back in my bag. Another minute of effort and they could have bagged my bag in a plastic bag. Again, I'm assuming a level of service that probably above their pay-grade.

    Either way, I've chalked it up to a lesson learned and I'll never check a bag ever again.

  9. #18
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    Started replacing my "lost" items.
    Purchased a kilt pin at the Saline Celtic Festival a couple of weeks ago.
    Just placed an order with Artificer to replace my belt and sporran strap.
    Now I just have to replace my tweed sporran. I can get by with my cheap leather-board sporran for a while.

    Let the Jonesing begin!

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