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  1. #51
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    Scene 77

    I turned to leave the room, but stopped at the door. “Miss Pleater,” I started to say, but stopped when I turned my head and saw she was no longer in the room.

    “Dave!” I heard Mike call out from the other room.

    I rushed out of the library and found him in the hallway. “What is it?”

    “Someone came into the compound, so we’re holding him.”

    I hurried to the foyer with Mike to see who was being held. When I saw the man, I recognized him instantly. He looked a bit wild and was stripped of everything but his boots and McDonald tartan kilt.

    I almost laughed at his appearance. “Ron, what in the hell happened to you? You look like a wild man!”

    The man looked up at me in disbelief. “David, it is you!” He rushed over and grabbed me in a bear hug. “We all thought you were dead. Jamie told us you had been hit by lightning and vaporized when the storm hit.”

    I finished the hug and pushed him away. “That’s not what happened to me. I guess what looked like a lightning strike to you was the Pleaters pulling me away.”

    “Pleaters? Like in Miss Pleater?”

    “It’s a long story my friend, and one we don’t have the time to tell right now. Why are you here? Where is everyone else?”

    His expression showed a great loss. “Most of them are gone, changed by the storms. I’ve been trying to find others. But then this unusual woman told me to come back here and I would find you.”

    “Unusual, how?”

    “Well, she looked a lot like Miss Pleater, but she was dressed all in leather, like a biker, and her hair was dyed pink at the tips.”

    I smiled and nodded. “One of the Pleaters, it looks like they’re still sending me assistance. What else did she say?”

    “That I was supposed to help you get to the storm front.”

    “Sounds good. Let’s go.”

    “Wait just one minute!” James exclaimed. “You want to go back out there? Out there in the forest, with dinosaurs running around, and then back into the storm? Are you crazy?”

    “It is his quest!” Deena chimed in.

    “We must thwart the evil-doers.” The Wrecker smiled in anticipation.

    Gerald only grinned with an animal-like expression.

    “We have to do it, James,” I answered him. “It’s the only way to save all the worlds.”

    James could only stammer in disbelief. He pointed at Ron. “But, he’s an old wild man. How can he possibly get us there?”

    I turned to contemplate Ron’s appearance. He was getting old and he did look a bit wild. But I could still see a craftiness in his eyes when he smiled back at my gaze.

    I nodded in satisfaction. “Yes, he does look a bit rough around the edges, and then some. But the Pleaters wouldn’t have sent him to us if he couldn’t do the job. We’re going.”

    James looked around at all of us and could see we were all determined. He threw up his arms in exasperation. “All right, I guess there’s no talking sense to you. I’m certainly not going to stay here alone.”

    I patted him on the back and laughed. “That’s the spirit!”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #52
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    Ah yes - sometimes you just have to order Mr Le Forge into the plasma conduit .....


    P \/\/\/\/\/\/

  3. #53
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    Sorry it's been so long folks. Let's see if I can't finish this thing.

    Scene 78

    We all looked across the clearing from the cover of the trees. On the other side, the clouds of the storm front swirled angrily. And, milling about in the clearing, were several large raptor lizards.

    “Across there?” James asked in disbelief.

    “It’s where we need to go,” I answered calmly.

    “In case you didn’t notice, there happen to be about a dozen nasty looking lizards blocking our path. Lizards who would like nothing better than to make us their lunch.”

    “I’m not blind. Anyone have any ideas?”

    Gerald shook his head. “There are too many of them to fight our way through.”

    “You have to get into the storm front to fix everything?” Ron asked me.

    I nodded slightly. “I don’t know if I can fix it all, but I do know nothing will get better if I don’t.”

    Ron nodded thoughtfully and I turned back to the clearing. “Maybe we can sneak around them and get closer, then make a run for it.”

    Gerald again shook his head. “Look at them. Those are not plodding behemoths. They are hunters, built to run down their prey.”

    Deena floated nearby. “I might be able to distract some of them, but my magic isn’t as strong here and wild animals aren’t always that easy to fool.”

    “What do you think, Ron?” I asked.

    Hearing no response, I turned to look at the older man. But when I looked, he was no longer with us.

    James pointed to the side of the clearing. “Look, over there!”

    We all looked where James was pointing and saw Ron moving into the clearing. He began to jump up and down, waving the crude spear he carried and yelling out. “Booga, booga, booga!”

    James shook his head in disbelief. “What is that idiot doing?”

    Gerald nodded in understanding. “Providing a distraction. He hopes to draw the lizards away from the storm front.”

    “But he’s going to get himself eaten!”

    “No,” I replied. “I don’t think so. Something tells me he’s had to avoid the raptors before or he wouldn’t be trying this. Come on. As soon as the raptors are drawn away, we make our move.”

    It wasn’t long before Ron’s antics did attract the raptors’ attention. As one, the lizards began to move away from the storm front, beginning the process of stalking this new prey.

    “Let’s go!” I ordered.

    We quickly moved out into the clearing, running at full speed towards the storm. One by one, my companions leapt into the swirling clouds.

    Just before I entered the front, I turned back and looked. In order to escape the raptors, Ron had shimmied up a tall tree. From his safe vantage point, he looked back at me and waved.

    The old man had done his task and got us to the storm front. Now, as I saw him settle into the branches of the tree, I knew he would be safe. I waved back and then stepped into the storm clouds.
    Last edited by davedove; 20th February 13 at 07:52 AM. Reason: fixed typos
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #54
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    Scene 79

    I dropped to the ground as I stumbled from the storm front. Mike helped me to my feet and I dusted off my clothes.

    Looking around, I could tell this new reality was somehow different from the others. Severe storm clouds swirled through the sky and multi-colored lightning flashed. Gusts of wind battered everything around us.

    “Where are we now?” I mused aloud.

    “The Emperor’s world,” said a familiar voice from behind me. We all turned to confront the speaker and saw Ms. Pleater.

    “So we’ve made it?” I asked.

    “Yes, indeed, this is your final destination.”

    I motioned to the disturbances around us. “What’s going on here? We’ve never seen this before.”

    “The Emperor is using the Pipes of Creation to blend and shape realities. You must be especially alert from now on. Anything, from any of the different realities, may confront you here. But you will also find you are stronger as well, with the full strength of all your abilities.”

    “She’s right,” Deena chimed in, her small body glowing strong with power. “The magic is strong here.”

    “But so is the darkness,” Gerald growled.

    “Yes,” Ms. Pleater nodded sadly. “It is all here, good and bad.”

    “Okay,” I replied. “Where do we need to go?”

    Ms. Pleater pointed. “That way.”

    We looked in the direction she pointed and when we looked back she was gone.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #55
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    Scene 80

    “You’re joking, right?” James asked.

    I carefully surveyed the scene that had caused James’s question. We were at the top of a high ridge, looking across the peaks of smaller hills to a large lake in the distance that was filled with dark water. In the middle of the lake, a small mountain rose up, on top of which sat a large castle.

    The sky above the castle swirled with storm clouds, all forming a vortex around the structure. Flashes of lightning filled the clouds and lit up the sheer walls of the fortress.

    “I’m afraid not,” I answered him. “That is where we need to go.”

    “How can you possibly know that?”

    “What else do you see? Where else would we go? Look at it. The forces of the storm are centered on that castle. That is where the Emperor will be found.”

    “It’s going to be a long walk,” Mike commented.

    I nodded. “No doubt; and it won’t be easy either. I’m sure the Emperor will have put obstacles in our way.”

    “What kind of obstacles?” James asked.

    I shook my head. “Who knows? It could be anything.”

    Mike pointed at the fortress in the distance. “Even when we get there it won’t be easy. That place is a literal fortress.”

    “I know. But, we’ve got plenty of time to consider that. Let’s just get there first.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #56
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    Scene 81

    We rested atop a hill as we looked out on the valley below. Hundreds of troops, maybe more than a thousand, filled the space between the ridges.

    “There’s no way we can fight our way through,” Mike stated. “There are too many of them. Maybe we can go around.”

    I shook my head. “It would take too long. I really get the feeling we need to hurry.”

    “Maybe they’re friendly?” James broke in.

    “Do you really want to risk it?”

    “I’d be willing to risk a lot, if they had a hot meal.”

    Gerald sniffed the wind. “I smell no darkness in them, or at least no more than a normal man.”

    I nodded. “That’s because I don’t think they are evil. They’re just men, soldiers. However, I get the feeling they’re still not on our side.”

    “They are not,” said a familiar voice from behind us.

    We all spun around to confront the newcomer, but quickly relaxed when we saw who it was.

    Deena was the first to get to him. “Steven!” she cried out as she landed on his shoulder and hugged his neck.

    “Hello to you too, little one,” he chuckled.

    I quickly stepped up and grasped his hand. “Welcome back, Commander Ashton. It’s good to see you.”

    Mike patted him on the back. “Yes it is, Steve. But how did you find us?”

    “I did not find you,” Steven replied. “When I lost you to the storm, Sister Cynthia was contacted by her Father Arnold. He told me that although I had been separated from you, I still had a way to help you.”

    I pointed over the hill to the troops in the valley. “We can certainly use some help, Steven.”

    Steven looked over the massed troops with the practiced eye of a military man. “Around twelve hundred or so I would say. No way to get through them, you’ll have to go around.”

    “That’s going to take some time, time we don’t have.”

    Steve nodded and continued examining the troops. “They look to be common troops from the Latin Confederation, nothing special but certainly competent soldiers. They appear to be mostly infantry, but I do see a few artillery pieces.” He paused and then pointed. “Plus, see over there, on the far side.”

    I looked where he pointed. “Those are horses.”

    “Yes, I estimate about a hundred of them. That means there are cavalry troops as well. You’re not going to be outrunning them if they spot you.”

    “You’re right. So, what do we do?”

    Steven smiled. “The one thing they do not seem to have is air support. That means we do have a solution.” He pulled out a pocket watch and flipped open the cover. “Which should be arriving right about now.”

    I was about to ask what he meant when James tapped me urgently on the shoulder. I turned to him and he pointed to the sky behind us.

    When I looked up, the swirling storm clouds briefly parted and a large airship broke through. It was painted red, white, and blue and near the bow was stenciled “NAA Valiant”.

    Steven smiled. “Punctual as always. Gentlemen, and lady, I present to you the airship Valiant.”
    Last edited by davedove; 20th February 13 at 07:53 AM. Reason: fixed sentence
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #57
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    Scene 82

    As the Valiant landed, several soldiers jumped out and secured its mooring lines. A small group of men walked out onto the ground and approached us.

    The leader came up to Steven. “Is this the group, Commander?”

    “Yes, sir, may I present Mr. Dove. David, this is Captain Panache.”

    I stepped forward to shake the man’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you sir.”

    The Captain smiled broadly. “Mr. Dove, Steven has told me much of his adventures with you.”

    He stopped when he noticed where my glance kept returning. “Yes, it is remarkable. Let me introduce you.”

    He turned and motioned for the man behind him to step forward. “Mr. Dove, I would like to present my ship’s Security Officer, Commander Dove.”

    Commander Dove stepped forward and took the hand I offered. “I had a hard time believing Steven when he told me about you, but it really is almost like looking into a mirror. Of course, I only have the mustache and you have the full beard, but the face is the same.”

    I eagerly shook his hand. “It’s almost surreal. I’d been told about my alternate selves, but I never thought I would meet one.” I chuckled. “I hope we don’t cause some universe-destroying paradox.”

    Commander Dove gestured to the stormy skies. “Do you really think it could be any worse than all this?”

    “Point taken. Please, Commander, Captain Panache, let me introduce the rest of my companions.”

    As I introduced the others, I could see the officers took all the information in stride, even the existence of a pixie. One member of my group seemed a bit overwhelmed though.

    “He’s, he’s me!” James exclaimed.

    The Captain shook his head. “Not exactly; but, from what I understand, we are each what the other could have been in different circumstances. A bit like identical twins who have led different lives.”

    “It’s still amazing.”

    “Indeed it is!” He motioned towards the valley. “However, we cannot spend any more time here. The appearance of the Valiant seems to have alerted the forces below.”

    I looked back to the valley and could see that troops were now moving towards our position. “You’re right; the ship didn’t exactly arrive in secrecy. Let’s move. Captain, we need to get past those troops.”

    “My pleasure; gentlemen, and lady, please step aboard my ship.”
    Last edited by davedove; 20th February 13 at 11:56 AM.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #58
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    Alternate universes and selves is always a tricky business...


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  9. #59
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    Scene 83

    The airship rose into the sky well before the opposing forces could reach it. Seeing they would be unable to catch us, the cavalry began to open fire on the ship.

    “Step away from the edge,” Captain Panache ordered. “The rounds will be unable to penetrate the hull of the ship, but we don’t want any stray rounds to hit you.”

    I stepped back and turned to the Captain. “Thank you for your assistance, Captain.”

    “Think nothing of it, Mr. Dove. Between Captain Pleater’s request and Steven’s tales of your journey, it is our duty to help you in any way we can. Now that we’re airborne, what is our course?”

    I pointed to the storm-topped fortress in the distance. “That is our destination, Captain.”

    Captain Panache looked hard at the storm clouds circling the castle. “It will be a bit of a rough ride, but the Valiant can handle any storm.” He shook his head and smiled. “You don’t choose easy tasks, do you Mr. Dove?”

    I returned his smile. “I didn’t exactly choose this mission, Captain. It’s more like I was thrust into it. I’m afraid the rough ride will be the last of our problems though. All through this quest obstacles have been put in my path. I expect more.”

    As if I had cued it, one of the crewmen called out. “Ships off the starboard, Captain!”

    I turned to look with everyone else. Breaking through the clouds came two ships. They were airships much like the Valiant, but smaller and painted differently.

    “Will they be a problem, Captain?” I asked.

    The Captain smiled. “Don’t worry. It will be a bit of a tussle, but those are Confederation ships. A Union ship like the Valiant can beat any three Confederation ships any day of the week.”

    “More ships off the port side, Captain!”

    We all turned to see what was coming. Four more Confederation ships broke through the clouds as we watched.

    The smile left the Captain’s face. “Now we have a problem.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

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