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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Hmm, I think learning tie the bow was a bit more of challenge than learning to tie my laces. Anyhoo this lovely lass has a good approach.

    That's a great video. I already know how to tie one, but this video would have saved me hours of practice. Kind makes me wish I would have found things like this for when I was learning the art of tying the 19th century cravat (which I know how to tie around 16 styles now).
    Keep your rings charged, pleats in the back, and stay geeky!

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C View Post
    I'm considering wearing a bowtie with my lovat green Argyll jacket and a plain dress shirt to a gathering. I usually wear a plain wool tie with that rig. Thoughts? Pictures?
    I can't think of any civilian situation where a bow tie would not be a more than adequate substitute for a long neck tie. The reverse of this is not true. In addition to adding a certain zip to your appearance, bow ties have other advantages. They do not change styles as often as long ties and it is almost impossible to spill something on them.

  3. #23
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    I like bow ties a lot and have worn mine with highland attire. I do have to say that my personal bias is that I think that while a bow tie looks really grand with a waistcoat I am less fond of them when worn with a shirt alone, especially a white shirt. If you are a slender fellow (like Ern) I think you can get away with it, but it does emphasize the expanse of the shirt (especially a white shirt) a lot


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  4. #24
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    In my earlier comments I was thinking of a bow tie in the context of formal wear, though a less formal tie would work with pretty much anything - as others have said, it's pretty much an acceptable alternative to the usual tie in most situations.

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