Grandad's Trains
I've been fairly quiet on here lately as I have been busy preparing for a number of events which are planned to happen during August.
Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th is our annual Border Rail show and I am preparing a working display of tinplate model trains from the nineteen fifties. Some of these have been in my possession since childhood while the remainder I fell heir to when a university colleague sadly died quite young from cancer. I've been spending a lot of time recently getting the controllers, locomotives, track etc. fettled up to running order. The programme author has christened my exhibit Grandad's Trains, which is somewhat bizarre since I consider myself still way too young to be a grandad, and I am unlikely to become a grandparent in the near future.
The model trains section of the show will be held in the Old Baths, Hawick. Saturday 17th from 10am till 5pm and Sunday 18th from 10am till 4pm.
There is also a full-size railway exhibit at Whitrope, eleven miles south of Hawick the same weekend where it will be possible to take a one kilometre ride on a Leyland Railbus and take tea or coffee in a buffet carriage.
I will of course be wearing a kilt both days.
If anybody is over this way please drop by and say hello, we are only 55 miles from Edinburgh.
Last edited by cessna152towser; 27th July 13 at 10:32 AM.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.