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  1. #11
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    We get BBC channel. But it carries more of the shows like Doctor Who and things like that. This sounds like a good thing to watch, I'll see if I can find it on YouTube.
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  2. #12
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    If you can't find the show on BBC America, look for the book Eat, Stop, Eat. He explains the concept and science behind intermittent fasting pretty well. It's the approach I used to lose ~55 pounds last year. I've maintained my goal weight for the last nine months by tapering off to fasting one day a week.

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  4. #13
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    Days 3 and 4! I've lost 3 pounds so far! Going to continue running in the mornings tomorrow!


    One other thing I did not put in my video.
    Since my 2nd day, I've decided what I want to do with my physics degree. At the end of this fall semester I will be applying for the Navy's Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Program (NUPOC) (basically working on and supervising the nuclear engines on an aircraft carrier or submarine). So along with juicing for these 30 days, I'll be working on strengthening myself to be more competitive in applying for this program.
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  5. #14
    TheSp8's Avatar
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    I had my 50 year old physical on 8 Feb of this year and I was 246 lbs. That day I stopped eating potato chips and started watching what I ate a bit better. I had lost 10 lbs by 31 March. On 31 March my wife and I started the Fast Diet after watching the same video Aussie Don mentioned. Our fast days are Tuesday and Friday. We weigh each Sunday morning and measure once a month or so. As of 15 July I've dropped 22 lbs on the Fast Diet (32 lbs total), dropped 4% body fat, and my waist is now 39 3/8 inches. My goal is to get to between 195 - 200 lbs as that is what the Army standards said I should weigh when I was still Active Duty. I have a couple of kilts that now fit that I haven't been able to wear in a few years. The main points we like about this diet is that it is flexible, sustainable, and you don't have to deny yourself any type of food for longer than a day. We have cut back on the amount of processed foods we use though we never used alot and it was primarily to cut back on our sodium intake. We have a Vita Mix that I use to make fruit smoothies, peanut butter, and mixed nut butter as they are fresher and no preservatives. Here's the link to the video, http://vimeo.com/54089463 The book has the same info with a bit more detail and sample menus. I wish you luck in your weight loss goals and the Navy application.

    "Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready." Teddy Roosevelt

    If you are fearful, never learn any art of fighting" Master Liechtenauer, c.1389

  6. #15
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    On a side note, I'd have a tough time staying on a healthy diet that close to Savannah - so many good beers and places to eat available there! We love that place.

    I just heard a story on NPR about a 5/2 something kind of lifestyle - eat decent food 5 days and "sort of" fast for 2 days (very low or no carbs but you can eat lean protein)...I need to look it up and see if there's anything to it - (PLEASE don't do what I just said - I only half heard it while driving to work the other day so I'm sure I'm missing important details lol)..

    My son got a Juicer last year and has been trying to get me and my wife to give it a try but we weren't too impressed with the glass he handed us - lol, maybe he's just a bad juice cook...and he has a hard time staying on it so I wonder if we would too..

    best of luck to you!

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSp8 View Post
    I had my 50 year old physical on 8 Feb of this year and I was 246 lbs. That day I stopped eating potato chips and started watching what I ate a bit better. I had lost 10 lbs by 31 March. On 31 March my wife and I started the Fast Diet after watching the same video Aussie Don mentioned. Our fast days are Tuesday and Friday. We weigh each Sunday morning and measure once a month or so. As of 15 July I've dropped 22 lbs on the Fast Diet (32 lbs total), dropped 4% body fat, and my waist is now 39 3/8 inches. My goal is to get to between 195 - 200 lbs as that is what the Army standards said I should weigh when I was still Active Duty. I have a couple of kilts that now fit that I haven't been able to wear in a few years. The main points we like about this diet is that it is flexible, sustainable, and you don't have to deny yourself any type of food for longer than a day. We have cut back on the amount of processed foods we use though we never used alot and it was primarily to cut back on our sodium intake. We have a Vita Mix that I use to make fruit smoothies, peanut butter, and mixed nut butter as they are fresher and no preservatives. Here's the link to the video, http://vimeo.com/54089463 The book has the same info with a bit more detail and sample menus. I wish you luck in your weight loss goals and the Navy application.

    Since I've decided that I will apply for the NUPOC, I've been running so I've needed more protein for my muscles and calories for fuel. Now along with this my blood type is O positive, and I have found that because of my blood type I should at least eat some meat, and I've found that if I don't eat meat I tend to become extremely weak and cant finish my runs in the morning. So this juice fast has become more of a diet. I don't think I'll continue making videos every couple of days, so just an update every now and then.

    I haven't gained back any weight I've lost, and I'm at 47% body fat. I need to get at or below 33% to qualify for the Navy. But I took these measurements a couple of days ago so I'll take them again soon.
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by HippieLee View Post
    My son got a Juicer last year and has been trying to get me and my wife to give it a try but we weren't too impressed with the glass he handed us - lol, maybe he's just a bad juice cook...and he has a hard time staying on it so I wonder if we would too..

    best of luck to you!
    Lol, it takes ALOT of practice to make a good juice. Right now I've got a good simple green juice recipe nailed down. I usually wing it with the amounts for a serving since I make enough for my family. But the ingredients are: Kale leaves, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli, Granny Apples, and a lemon.
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  9. #18
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    This is just my opinion.... Juice fasting is not productive for many people because it has too much fructose/sugar/carbs. Your green smoothie above sounds pretty good.

    I eat completely differently than the main line "healthy" diet that most Americans follow. I eat a high protein, moderate fat, low carb, lots of greens. I am somewhat gluten sensitive so I quit eating cereal, bread, flour tortillas, and pasta. Getting heathier was the plan not weight loss but I have lost 15 lbs. I can not do without animal protein and the above wheat carbs actually make me hungrier! I have not drank soda in years but occasionally indulge in a sweet tea as a treat, and sometimes my guts rebel at all that sugar!

    Good luck on your quest to get healthier, fitter, and loose weight!

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryerelizabeth View Post
    Lol, it takes ALOT of practice to make a good juice. Right now I've got a good simple green juice recipe nailed down. I usually wing it with the amounts for a serving since I make enough for my family. But the ingredients are: Kale leaves, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli, Granny Apples, and a lemon.
    Everything there sounds good except the broccoli - i haaaaaaaaaaaaaate broccoli.....but if you can't tell it's in there I might be able to like it....I'll talk to the boy and make him make us some lol...thanks for the tip!
    Last edited by HippieLee; 30th July 13 at 03:59 PM.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by HippieLee View Post
    Everything there sounds good except the broccoli - i haaaaaaaaaaaaaate broccoli.....but if you can't tell it's in there I might be able to like it....I'll talk to the boy and make him make us some lol...thanks for the tip!
    There are certain veggies that can totally ruin the taste of a juice. Broccoli doesn't do that. Mainly what I taste in this is the lemon and apple, so it's nice and tangy, but not bitter (or tasting like grass :P ). One veggie that I did experiment with is celery, and it overpowers the taste of the juice no matter what else is I put into it. 12 apples and two lemons couldn't fix the bland taste of celery in a juice I made that involved all of these different veggies and fruits. And the thing is I only put four stalks of celery into it. that's like 1/9 of the whole juice, and it ruined it. So yes some tastes can overpower a juice, but broccoli usually blends in fairly well .
    kilted in Brooklet :)

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