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  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th July 13
    St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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    Thanks for the advice everyone! For some reason I didn't see that I had so many answers! ;)

    Actually, I told my Mom what you all said the other day about getting other estimates and she has been going around to speak to other garages. So far we have estimates ranging between $1050.00 to the circa $1500 range of the original garage. However, she lucked out in speaking to an old friend she hasn't seen in a long time who has a small car sales place and uses the shop next door to get all his work done. He said he'd speak to the mechanic there about looking at it because he "trusts the guy with his life" and he hasn't looked at it yet but told my Mom it could possibly just be the slave cylinder thing that TowGuy just mentioned. So we're really really keeping our fingers crossed! He was the only garage so far to mention that too!


    P.S. I wish I was the handy sort! They have a place in town that lets you rent out an area for car repairs (with all the tools, etc.)
    Last edited by Silk; 31st July 13 at 04:32 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    1st August 11
    Romsey Nr Southampton UK
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    Good luck Silk, it is always a worry when if you don't know about a subject, you always wonder if you are being ripped off. I too don't have a clue about mechanical things so your trepidation is shared by many of us.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

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