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  1. #51
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    A custom woven (Strathmore W60 = 13.5 to 14oz), custom made, 8 yard hand sewn Kilt in The Australia(n) Tartan is my next venture and...

    ... and I've also got my eye on a (Batley Mill) 16oz 8yd hand sewn Brown Watch.

    When those last two pieces are in the jigsaw then I'll call it quits... For a while at least.

  2. #52
    Join Date
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    You'll probably get (or have gotten) many replies saying: "whichever tartan I'm wearing is my favorite". Among my universal tartan kilts - my favorite was the Heritage of Scotland -- but then I received my Spirit of Scotland from Rocky. I suspect it'll remain my favorite non-clan tartan kilt for quite some time...

    Rev. Rob, Clan MacMillan, NM, USA
    CCXX, CCXXI - Quidquid necesse est.
    If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. (Thumperian Principle)

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    I do think it's ideal to have a personal connection to celebrate with your tartan choice, but there can be difficulties. While I hope to obtain a high quality kilt in the clan tartan my name suggests that I have a blood connection to (but haven't as yet proven), I have a problem in that I am allergic to many wools and will have to be quite careful about ensuring that this is not the case before investing in a treasured badge of allegiance.

    My mother and her family lived in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, near Glasgow and were not Highlanders, though the area obviously absorbed a great influx of Highlanders during industrialisation, so I when I first looked for an inexpensive kilt I was very wary of offending and chose a 'commercial' tartan, specifically "Scottish Pride" by Lochcarron, because it fitted George Buchanan’s very early description of tartan in his 1581 De Rerum Scoticarum Historia (History of Scotland), I believe the earliest to mention the favoured colours and well pre-dating the formal association of specific setts with specific clans:
    He says that the tradition was to wear cloaks variegated and especially striped in many colours "colores amant maxime purpureum ac ceruleum" (purple and blue the colours they love the greatest) and that while some still did so, the majority had by then adopted darker colours more closely resembling the blooming heather. I didn't know "weathered" colours existed then, so this seemed to fit the bill, though you'd hardly find it gracing a re-enactor! Scottish Pride is a bit less purple than the "Spirit of Scotland" and has a note of green in and looks especially good for formal wear with my girl by my side (who often has some purple on), but I wear it casually as well.

    However, it must be said that I have found it much easier to explain my next tartan: Government or Black Watch, of undisputed antiquity, easily recognised and understood. Similarly smart and if anything even more at home on the hills and with a number of modern variants to taste.

    Might I suggest that there are also a number of commemorative tartans in support of a number of charitable causes which affect many of us personally and which I think are a very laudable modern adaptation of the concept and that is where I may look next in a synthetic tartan.

    Hope that helps :-)
    Last edited by Salvianus; 7th August 13 at 12:12 PM. Reason: typo

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    My favourite universal tartan, well technically it's more of a district tartan, is the Lochaber District Tartan in either weathered or reproduction colours. Naturally, I would never wear a universal or district tartan, since I am a Macpherson and only wear Clan Macpherson or Clan Chattan tartans, but that's just me.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lob_wr.jpg 
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ID:	13183


  5. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to creagdhubh For This Useful Post:

  6. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    My favourite universal tartan, well technically it's more of a district tartan, is the Lochaber District Tartan in either weathered or reproduction colours. Naturally, I would never wear a universal or district tartan, since I am a Macpherson and only wear Clan Macpherson or Clan Chattan tartans, but that's just me.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lob_wr.jpg 
Views:	9 
Size:	46.9 KB 
ID:	13183


    Good choice Kyle its my favourite too. Lochaber is home to the Cameron Clan and as I am a member I would have no problem in wearing this beautiful Tartan.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  7. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    Good choice Kyle its my favourite too. Lochaber is home to the Cameron Clan and as I am a member I would have no problem in wearing this beautiful Tartan.
    Precisely, Simon!

  8. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    Precisely, Simon!
    With two kilts already in progress, I may have to wait a bit. I feel the need to do some overtime
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  9. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    With two kilts already in progress, I may have to wait a bit. I feel the need to do some overtime
    Aw well, you have plenty of time, mate! There's a few more on my wish list, myself.

  10. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
    Good choice Kyle its my favourite too. Lochaber is home to the Cameron Clan and as I am a member I would have no problem in wearing this beautiful Tartan.
    Also historic home of MacDonnell of Keppoch also known as Clan Ranald of Lochaber of which I am a member.....
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  11. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liam View Post
    Also historic home of MacDonnell of Keppoch also known as Clan Ranald of Lochaber of which I am a member.....
    Indeed so Liam and I would happily share a wee dram and a pint in our historic land with you given the chance.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

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