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  1. #1
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    WAGs and Kilt wearing

    I'm just guessing here, but I'd say that anyone who wears a kilt a lot
    has a Wife or Girlfriend who likes seeing them in a kilt.

    So, how does one win over a SO who is dubious at best and borders
    on "slightly hostile"?

    Any suggestions?


    WAG == wives and girlfriends - a term used here (in Australia), wasn't
    current in the USA circa 1980 when I left there so I'm explaining

  2. #2
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    Appreciate this might not be available to you in Australia, but if you can, maybe take her to a ceilidh or other event where lots of men would be wearing kilts and impressing the ladies? Or maybe put Mel Gibson braveheart posters up everywhere while walking around the houshe mishpronounshing your eshesh like shir Shean? Sex appeal's the key.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltFitz View Post
    Appreciate this might not be available to you in Australia, but if you can, maybe take her to a ceilidh or other event where lots of men would be wearing kilts and impressing the ladies? Or maybe put Mel Gibson braveheart posters up everywhere while walking around the houshe mishpronounshing your eshesh like shir Shean? Sex appeal's the key.
    Actually, we were at the National Folk Festival last
    year and did a couple of dances together at the
    "Chaotic Ceilidh" run by a mob from Sydney calling
    themselves "Scotch on the Rocks"[1]

    And more recently, we were at the Celtic Festival in
    Port Arlington, Vic, where there were quite a few kilts
    in evidence, including mine.

    So I am trying...

    I think that it's more of a blokes in"skirts" thing
    for her, but it's hard to get her to talk about it. Also,
    she's only met one family of my Gregory relatives and
    there were "issues" with that experience, so I suppose
    that she might not understand the connection that I feel.


    [1] the Rocks is part of the district in Sydney where the
    first part of the city was settled -- now more or less an
    historical precinct.

  4. #4
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    I have been lucky I suppose living where I do, this sort of thing is not a problem--------although, I do recall a very pretty young lady in the distant past who was none too impressed with the kilt, dammit. I digress, hurrumph!---------- Anyway, I read of of this problem of yours quite often here and it seems to me there is no quick fix. However, "knowing the enemy" so to speak, is a good start and work your strategy around that. Let her have a good look at the pictures on this website, there is a whole host of kilted attire options for her to see and think about, pipe bands are good for lightening the the atmosphere so let her see lots of kilts, so tactics of a "slowly, slowly, catchy monkey" kind would be my thoughts------------and hope!

    Good luck!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  6. #5
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    Ah, then if it's a positive kilt experience you are looking for I suggest a Scotland v Australia Rugby match. It'll cost you a pair of return flights but I'll be happy to introduce her to the Caledonian Tourists:



    After your SO meets us, you'll never be allowed to wear trousers again!

    See you in November?

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I have been lucky I suppose living where I do, this sort of thing is not a problem--------although, I do recall a very pretty young lady in the distant past who was none too impressed with the kilt, dammit. I digress, hurrumph!---------- Anyway, I read of of this problem of yours quite often here and it seems to me there is no quick fix. However, "knowing the enemy" so to speak, is a good start and work your strategy around that. Let her have a good look at the pictures on this website, there is a whole host of kilted attire options for her to see and think about, pipe bands are good for lightening the the atmosphere so let her see lots of kilts, so tactics of a "slowly, slowly, catchy monkey" kind would be my thoughts------------and hope!

    Good luck!
    Thanks Jock,

    Pipe bands are not a win -- Scottish pipes are
    probably her least favourite instrument. Get
    her to watch pipe bands in action? Ain't gonna

    But is interesting to hear that, even in Scotland,
    there is some resistance to kilted men.



  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltFitz View Post
    Ah, then if it's a positive kilt experience you are looking for I suggest a Scotland v Australia Rugby match. It'll cost you a pair of return flights but I'll be happy to introduce her to the Caledonian Tourists:



    After your SO meets us, you'll never be allowed to wear trousers again!

    See you in November?
    As a former tight head prop for the Melbourne Harlequins, I'd
    love it. But she's only minorly interested in sport, and Aussie rules
    at that.


  9. #8
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    Soooooo, pipes are out, the men in skirts mindset is at play, not that interested in sport, hummmmmm, tricky then. One thing I would say and I forgot to mention it before, is keep along the "traditional" kilt lines, otherwise you may well feed "the men in skirts" thing. OK! No one said this was going to be easy, but don't give up-------------------------------yet!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 28th August 13 at 11:06 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie_Don View Post
    As a former tight head prop for the Melbourne Harlequins, I'd
    love it. But she's only minorly interested in sport, and Aussie rules
    at that.

    Do you see any pictures of us actually at a rugby game?
    Last edited by KiltFitz; 28th August 13 at 11:09 PM.

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltFitz View Post
    Do you see any pictures of us actually at a rugby game?
    Ahh, sorry, should have realised that the p**s-up is the point,
    not the side-show.


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