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  1. #1
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    PC Waistcoat Options: 3 vs 5 Button

    Greetings all,

    I'm currently going through the motions of purchasing my very first "tank" and have a question about the PC waistcoat options.
    Is there a difference between the 3 and 5 button options? Personally, I feel the 5 button would best suit me. I've always been a vest/waistcoat guy and all my business suits and tuxedos thus far, have been 3 piece.

    So the questions stands; is it just a style thing or is there a reason why you would purchase one over the other.

    Thanks in advance!

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  2. #2
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    How much vest do you want to show? How hot is the climate where you are? Those are important even before you get started on discussing the meaning of the buttons.

    Whole different question about the Prince Charlie though: Why? It's relatively recent and limited in its applications. If it's just a quick choice, why not consider some other options such as the Crail / Argyle spectrum. Consider a doublet; some of them are longer-established.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  3. #3
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    The 3-button waistcoat is considered more formal and appropriate for evening wear, and is the traditional norm for wearing with a Prince Charlie jacket.

    The 5-button waistcoat is more commonly worn with an Argyle jacket; however in more recent times there has been a trend to wearing it with the more formal Prince Charlie, as well. Some view it as a fad. Whether it will remain in style will be determined by the test of time!

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  5. #4
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    This is only my opinion, but I think a 3 button with a bow tie, and a 5 button with a 'scrunch' or other tie. (illustrated brilliantly by Matthews photos).
    Me - I have both, and wear them as described above.

  6. #5
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    I think wearing the 5-button vest with the PC is mirroring the trend of wearing a waistcoat instead of a cummerbund with a tuxedo.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post
    I think wearing the 5-button vest with the PC is mirroring the trend of wearing a waistcoat instead of a cummerbund with a tuxedo.
    John, I almost always wear a three or four button evening waistcoat with a dinner jacket, instead of a cummerbund. I wouldn't call wearing a waistcoat with a tuxedo a "trend", unless it is one of those horrid looking waistcoats with five buttons favoured by the Hollywood set!

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    The 5-button waistcoat is more commonly worn with an Argyle jacket; however in more recent times there has been a trend to wearing it with the more formal Prince Charlie, as well. Some view it as a fad. Whether it will remain in style will be determined by the test of time!

    Given Matt's photo, above, the 5-button vest looks like a viable alternative. It certainly works better with a necktie (for those who just don't like a bow tie). Personally, I'd wear such a combination.
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  10. #8
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    The 3 button waistcoat is designed for a traditional formal/blacktie/white tie/ tuxedo shirt, which usually has a pleated or stiff or padded front. The 5 button model is copied from a standard suit vest. It hides almost all of your shirt front. Like most formal wear, the 3 button is mostly for show- many 3 button waistcoats are backless. As JSFMacLJr notes, the Hollywood types seem to have embraced the idea of a suit vest with a tuxedo. But then, they also seem to like black dress shirts, notch lapel tuxedoes, etc.

    As you may have sensed, the PC is not universally praised. In truth, a Regulation doublet is easier to dress down and an Argyll/Crail can often be succesfully be dressed up. Somewhere Matt Newsome has presented a menu of doublets, with various neckwear options. Try the search feature and the excellent One Kilt Ten Looks thread...

    Of course, the PC has become the default full dress/ tuxedo equivalent, especially among the rental companies. There is nothing wrong with it, but you may find it a bit limited in its use.

    Congratulations on your kilt!
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  11. #9
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    A five button waistcoat seems silly with a PC to me, it defeats the purpose of looking formal in one swoop. Of course one always works with what one has, but given the choice, most definitely three buttons.

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  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by unixken View Post
    Given Matt's photo, above, the 5-button vest looks like a viable alternative. It certainly works better with a necktie (for those who just don't like a bow tie). Personally, I'd wear such a combination.
    In my opinion, the coatee does not lend itself to a five button waistcoat. You will not that the lapels of the coatee are cut low ( is this called the gore? ). The waistcoat should respect this, and by wearing a high buttoned waiscoat, the shirt front that should be showing is covered up. To my eye, something looks amiss.

    I believe also that neckties with evening dress ( instead of bowties ) are a fad and look out of place.

    Just my 2p's worth!

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