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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    My new kilted photos

    Here are a couple of photos of me (a couple weeks ago) in my new Black Watch 5-yarder wool kilt.
    Being new to kilt wearing, I'm still a bit self-conscious about things and would appreciate input from the rabble...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Kilt1.jpg 
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ID:	14115Click image for larger version. 

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    I'd also appreciate some advice... What color(s) of hose matches the Black Watch tartan? I don't mean to get all matchy-matchy, but I don't really think that Lovat blue or Lovat green would look especially "right" with this kilt, if you catch my meaning...but I'd rather not be trapped into only wearing black or navy blue kilt hose, either.

    Is there a convention on what should match in a kilt outfit? Socks & shirt, shoes & belt, etc?

    Oh, and that noble beast in my pictures is my faithful Scottish Deerhound mix, Jack.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As for me, I kind of like being (a least a little) matchy-matchy. What I strive to do is match my belt, sporran, and shoes -- all black or all brown. As for hose color, I like to pick up one of the thin line colors from the kilt and match to that. I tend to do the same with shirt color -- but may pick a different thin line color than I chose for my hose. Flashes tie in the same way -- or red if I don't have an appropriate set. That being said, I have matched my hose to my shirt -- and neither one being a color in the kilt - lol.

    Reckon what I'm saying is that just about anything goes -- if it looks good to you, or your SO, or even your dog, then go for it...


    P.S. Jack is a fine looking companion!
    Rev. Rob, Clan MacMillan, NM, USA
    CCXX, CCXXI - Quidquid necesse est.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Looking good Hiburnicus!

    As I started out with a Black Watch, I understand how difficult it can me to break out of the black/dark blue/dark green habit with hose. Lighter grey works well for me along with the lovat colours, and I now often wear claret hose, which give you the matching depth of colour, but add a wonderful contrast.

    I would also say (although this is often caused by the camera angle), you could probably do with your kilt an inch or two higher. Having said that, a really impressive first run, much better than mine!!


    I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened by old ones. John Cage

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nicely done. I also try to match my leather, all black or brown. I really like to contrast or compliment a color in the kilt. With the Black Watch my first choice in hose would be oatmeal then I'd go with claret. After that I'd go with the Lovat colors.
    "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.' Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You are off to a good start. Kilt hose wise I like wearing my burgundy kilt hose, my oatmeal with dark blue top stripe hunting socks (made for breeks or kilt wearing), charcoal grey kilt hose, red marl, brick or claret hose. Even a nice ancient blue looks smart with the Black Watch. These all let the kilt look great and add some dash of color that you can accent with the shirt you wear. Also staying with brown or black with all your leather is a good way to go unless you have a sporran that has both colors leather in it. Then you can decide according to the occasion you are attending.
    Last edited by brewerpaul; 12th September 13 at 03:23 PM.
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  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Hi Hiburnicus, Looking pretty smart I think. Hose should get you well on your way. My Lamont tartan has a Black Watch base and when I put on my ancient blue hose there was a universal cry of disdain. I have found it harder than I would have imagined to find hose with which I am satisfied. I have landed on navy. While they may look a little matchy to some, I think you always need a darker shade at the bottom or you just kinda float away; and Black Watch is pretty dark, so navy was it. Some have suggested an ancient/lovat green, and that might work. I will try it sometime. But I think you want a pair of hose that you can grab with certainty. So go navy. If you'd like to see what the ancient blue look like - here they are. http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...rn-kilt-78860/

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Looking good in the new kilt. I have a Black Watch and I wear my Bison colored hose with mine. I am also looking at a pair of red hose as soon as the funds become available.
    I've got big shoes to fill ... so I wear big socks!
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  9. #8
    Join Date
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    Burgundy/Claret, Brown, Bison, oatmeal, Blues, greens, mustard, also pattern tops with the aforementioned colours all look fine to me with the Black watch tartan. Combine most of them with red flashes/garters and your good to go. I would stay away from very dark blues or black as I think your legs just melt away into the kilt
    Last edited by Downunder Kilt; 13th September 13 at 02:40 PM.
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    The Army likes the combination of Lovat Green with the Black Watch kilt

    Going back in time, the original hose to wear with the Black Watch kilt were red & white diced. Obviously they had no thought of "matching" in the 18th century, but rather wanted to display the old Gaelic love for colour and pattern

    Here in the 1860s the old love for dazzling colour combinations is alive and well. This is perhaps my favourite image of Highland Dress of all time

    In other words, nearly anything looks great with Black Watch. I would, myself, avoid the colours of the kilt (green, blue, black) and go with a bold scarlet, claret (burgundy), or even yellow or purple. Or you could be a bit more understated and go with grey, oatmeal, Lovat Blue, Lovat Green, or white.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  11. #10
    Join Date
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    You look good. Don't worry too much about matchy-matchy. Prince Charles wears a brown sporran with black shoes. Read my new post on the "Scathing attack on white socks" thread.

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