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  1. #1
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    Brogues vs. boots

    I always used to wear brogues/shoes (usually brogues) until the early 2000s. Now I much prefer boots, like Mods Desert boots and skinhead Doc Martens, I see most kilt footwear is those lacey shoes, what is the preferable style of footwear with a kilt ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I wear my kilts with DM 1460 oxblood boots, black 1461 shoes or for formal wear 3989 black and white brogues. I do like the look of their Affleck brogue boot, I think it would look great for a modern formal look.

    My 2p

    "I imagine a place of brotherhood and peace, a world without war. Then I imagine attacking that place because they would never expect it.

  3. #3
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    Depends on the look I'm going for.....I wear one set of Brown docs for very casual wear but I've decided to completely disown the lace up Brogues all together. I've found that they had a nasty habit of "leaving their mark" on my legs after a days wear. Now I usually wear my old military Bates dress shoes (the old ones that I have to shine) or I don't know what you would call em.....booties? I still do not have a set of buckled brogues....though I am saving up for a pair.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malcolmcog View Post
    I always used to wear brogues/shoes (usually brogues) until the early 2000s. Now I much prefer boots, like Mods Desert boots and skinhead Doc Martens, I see most kilt footwear is those lacey shoes, what is the preferable style of footwear with a kilt ?
    How about brogue boots?! I love these:


    Red Wing brogue boots.

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  5. #5
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    Footwear with the kilt, if it is worn traditionally, depends to a great extent on the occasion. Casually dressed to walk in the hills or at a rugby match would generally be with boots. With a tweed jacket, black or brown brogues but seldom ghillie brogues (the ones with the long laces). Formal day wear would generally include black brogues or oxfords, and evening wear, black brogues or buckle brogues or lightweight ghillie brogues.

    Of course if tradition is not a concern then all kinds of possibilities open up!
    It's coming yet for a' that,
    That Man to Man, the world o'er,
    Shall brothers be for a' that. - RB

  6. #6
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    I think anybody can't go far wrong in well polished Oxfords. I have a pair in black and another in brown. Apart from very formal - that covers everything.

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  8. #7
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    I have a "utility" kilt as my only kilt so far. For the most part I wear my Reebok tactical boots. I also have a pair of what I like to call "suit shoes" that I wear with it.

    Keep in mind that I'm a "kilt newbie" so I don't know any of the traditional stuff....hehehe

  9. #8
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    This question is kind of like asking, what kind of footwear should I wear with trousers? It depends where you're going and what the rest of your outfit looks like. Since a kilt is equivalent to jeans, suit trousers, tuxedo trousers, shorts, cargo pants, khakis/chinos etc... it really depends on what look you're going for.

    Boots would be casual and outdoorsy. If you're wearing a necktie of any kind, I think you have to go with dress shoes. Although black polished oxfords are a popular choice, brogues are nice. I like to wear brown leather brogues to match my brown sporran but some traditionalists follow the old military tradition of black shoes with a brown sporran...Chacun à son goût .

    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

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  11. #9
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    The footwear is somewhat like the kilt, where are you going and what is the setting. You wouldnt wear a PC and full blown regalia to a pub or movie but if you were going to the symphony or a dinner you might spiff up a bit. My footwear runs the gammout of Wolverine boots to black wingtips to Simple clogs. Again it all depends on where I am and what the setting is, what would I have worn if I wore pants. Below are a few of my shoes that I have been fortunate to find on EBay and other places for a bargin. Being a size 14D/M I have to chance and buy where I can. I also feel a bit different in the kilt than say Dockers or jeans in that I will up the dress code a bit much to my girlfriends disgust. She hasnt turned around and totally re-dressed yet but come close. So from the more formal to the casual a couple fotos.

    Black wingtips from EBay about 20 bucks and a bit of shine when needed. Reserved for those nice evening occasions or weddings where I would also wear a black sporran and belt.

    Cordovan wingtips again a bargin from EBay that are used more often than the black. Im more of a brown leather person but do wear black when appropriate.

    Some Dockers natrual leather tipped shoes I found for 29 bucks that really are nice for pub going or the movies. They work well for the casual visit to friends for dinner.

    Ok these were an indulgence and I wont even say how much they cost. Allen Edmonds Long Branch Brogue Boot that are a casual boot with a Vibram sole. The fit like a hand made boot should. I recently purchased these after my Wolverine boots had the soles come lose after a year. The Wolverines are at a real shoe repair getting some Vibram soles put on them.

    For the ultra casual trip to the grocery or pub my ever comfy Simple Clogs.

    So there is no one answer on what to wear, it all depends on how traditional you want to be or how relaxed you want to be. Would I wear my black wingtips to the pub, not likely, but I also wouldnt wear my clogs to a wedding.
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  13. #10
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    Brewerpaul nails it as far as I am concerned. More often than not, I will wear a pair of Doc Martens boots. For a smarter look, I have Eccos in black and cordovan. I would got as far as wingtips for the right occasion.

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