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Thread: iPad sporran???

  1. #11
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    No one has asked, so I will:
    I would wonder why anyone would need to haul an ipad around with them when kilted?

    I for one am quite annoyed when my children cant go 30 seconds w/o a phone or pad in there face, ignoring everything and everyone around them. Is this what we are evolving to? Seems artificial to me.

  2. #12
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    If you are a jacket wearer and I think that you might be, how about the unseen, so oft ignored, but very useful British(Scottish day jackets too!) country idea of a "poachers pocket"?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 10th January 14 at 11:00 AM.
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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJ Kelley View Post
    No one has asked, so I will:
    I would wonder why anyone would need to haul an ipad around with them when kilted?

    I for one am quite annoyed when my children cant go 30 seconds w/o a phone or pad in there face, ignoring everything and everyone around them. Is this what we are evolving to? Seems artificial to me.
    Well I do agree with you in principle but what if you need to check xmarks and you don't happen to be near a computer?

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  6. #14
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    Haha. It's a generational thing I suppose. I, for one, carry a messenger satchel with me almost everywhere I go these days. It's just an accumulation of need, having kids, and my wife disdaining purses. I won't lie, it's a bit of a man-purse, but it suits my needs and carries everything you could imagine. Including my Nexus 7 tablet. Don't judge. Those candies don't crush themselves!

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  8. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyRogue View Post
    Haha. It's a generational thing I suppose. I, for one, carry a messenger satchel with me almost everywhere I go these days. It's just an accumulation of need, having kids, and my wife disdaining purses. I won't lie, it's a bit of a man-purse, but it suits my needs and carries everything you could imagine. Including my Nexus 7 tablet. Don't judge. Those candies don't crush themselves!
    lol! I know that feel, bro.

    I've been thinking about adding a messenger bag to my queue of leather projects...I've never had one but lots of people use them at work and I think it would be a step up in awesomeness from the ubiquitous backpack. I'd have to make it big enough to carry my laptop and maybe some special pockets for various IT related tools - I don't always want to carry my full tool-bag into a location but I hate running out to the car for my punch down tool or tone finder...
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  9. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    Well I do agree with you in principle but what if you need to check xmarks and you don't happen to be near a computer?
    Good response.... I'm not sure why TJ Kelley felt it his place to question why I might wish to "haul" my iPad around and to rant about the habits of his children. TJ may not realize that one can download ebooks from the local library onto one's iPad which are useful to have with you if you wish to read.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  10. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Liam For This Useful Post:

  11. #17
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    This is why the good Lord created the phablet on the 8th day...so we can watch Netflix, browse the web, and read our e-books on a massive screen that still fits into our sporrans.

    Nathan, I wear nearly identical kit when I hike kilted. Well done, sir. I dig your style.
    The Official [BREN]

  12. #18
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    .....and here is yet another explanation of why one would carry a iPad mini or other smaller tablet style unit.....if one is a lawyer, a doctor, and even an engineer type person, or such, and also wearing a kilt, then why wouldn't a person want a safe and discreet way to carry ones tablet, eh? Things evolve don't they? Just ask Steve with his newer design of that great sporran of his. It looks fantastic and is designed to carry all types of " modern" type items for the current man. 50 years ago this would of seemed outrageous wouldn't it..... . So I say, why not offer something for those that choose to take their sporran to the next level. The iPad mini doesn't hardly weight anything.
    Do you see my point XMTS members.....?


    (Please continue the discussion)
    Shawnee / Anishinabe and Clan Colquhoun

  13. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Hawk For This Useful Post:

  14. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzled Ian View Post
    Nathan, what have you got on your back hanging off that white strap, if I may ask? And, for the record, that is a pretty good-looking sporran - well done!
    It's just a square bag that I got full of swag at a music industry conference. I was using it to carry my raincoat that day, and thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOfficialBren View Post
    Nathan, I wear nearly identical kit when I hike kilted. Well done, sir. I dig your style.
    Thank you, sir!
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

  15. #20
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    Thanks for the useful suggestions. I may pursue the over sized sporran later but for now will use one of these two options as suggested by some of you.

    The pocket of my drover coat:

    My camera/passport case:

    Over the past couple of days I've tried both and the camera/passport case is the winner.

    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  16. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Liam For This Useful Post:

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