31st January 14, 01:40 PM
Sometimes it just takes FOREVER...
Over six months ago, when Joan was in the hospital getting titanium hip #2 put in, I started on a kilt for Pastor Greg. Here's the original post.
Well, after having it sit...and sit.....and SIT... I finally started getting it out again. The pleats were done, as was the over-apron. This is what I've done in the past several days...
1. I had to "patch" together the inner-apron because there's so little fabric to work with. I wasn't happy with how I did it the first time, so I ripped it out and re-did it. It's by no means perfect, but the join is hidden 'way back under the over-apron so nobody will see it.
2. I put in the inner pleat/fell reinforcing band, and hand-stitched it in with three rows of stitches
3. put in the hair canvas stiffener under the overapron
4. made the liners and sewed 'em in
5. put in the waistband
6. made the belt loops and stitched in the top part..
Tonight, Joan is off at a Brazilian dance concert with a girlfriend who's from Brazil, so I'll have 3 hours at the house, solo. I figure to attach the bottom of the belt loops, finish fringing the right side of the over apron, get the buckles and straps in...and FINISH IT OFF.
With luck....LUCK, now....there should be pictures of the kilt 'round Greg bum, this Sunday.
It's an interesting piece of fabric. It's light, probably 10 ounce and it's technically not a tartan because the pattern running one way is not identical to the pattern running the other way. In fact, the pattern repeats every THREE "repeats" of the main, "apparent" sett. It's totally wierd. However, it will take a really sharp eye to notice that, the wool is really nice even if it is a bit lightweight, and the color scheme is basically, more-or-less Black Watch. Seeing as he has no Scottish connections whatsoever, this is probably an appropriate kilt for him!
31st January 14, 01:45 PM
The next project after this one is kind of up in the air. I'm supposed to make my last Athletes Kilt for pro thrower, Andy Vincent, but he hasn't gotten back to me with his measurements. I've "nagged" once and nothing is forthcoming, so we'll see.
Vicar Maggie, our seminary intern has come out to throwing practice once and might come out again. If she makes it to four practices and I deem her safe to throw, I'll ask her to throw at Ardenwood Tartan Day...and if THAT happens, I'll take a 2 1/2 yard piece of polyester Lindsey tartan that I have and knock out a kilt for her.
We'll see.
And to think, two years ago I declared that I'd never make another kilt.
The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Alan H For This Useful Post:
3rd February 14, 10:36 AM
Well, I didn't quite get it done in time for Sunday, but I finished it up last night and this morning. It's my usual thing, a mix of traditional and different. The pleats are hand-sewn with a pleat reinforcement strap to hold 'em together, but because this is a 5 yard, 10-11 ounce kilt I didn't cut out the inside of the pleats. The right hand edge of the over-apron is machine-sewn down, but I fringed it. I used buttons to hold the underapron over on the left side, and a light/medium brown leather strap with a steel (shiny, white metal) buckle on the right side to hold the over-apron in place. Since the material is the same color scheme as Black Watch, the brown leather is a bit different.
This is very odd fabric, but it's nice wool even if it is pretty light for a kilt. I expect he'll wear it maybe twice or three times a year if that, and mostly in the spring and summer, so the light weight is probably fine. I was going to give him an old white fur/black leather semi-dress sporran that I don't use any more but now with the brown leather I think we'll need to keep an eye out for a brown sporran! I expect he'll be wearing this with white ...yes, white kilt hose and brown/black Keens (closed toe sandals). I figure the white kilt hose is set off my the clerical collar that he wears pretty much every day. Works for me.
Pictures next Sunday.
3rd February 14, 11:07 AM
Let's see, let's see, let's see!
Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Father Bill For This Useful Post:
3rd February 14, 11:18 AM
Alan, you need to know how envious I was of your pastor when you began this project. I know... I now need to do some serious confessing.
Oh ... and ...
3rd February 14, 12:43 PM
It's kind of funny....Greg's last name is Shaefer, but his ethnic heritage is mostly Spanish. Also, this is a Lutheran church, so the church's heritage is theoretically German. I find that amusing.
I have to say, though...I think that the simplicity of the black shirt and clerical collar works *Extremely* well with a kilt. I really like that combination, so you lads in the clergy have it made, that way.
5th February 14, 01:00 PM
I splurged and ordered him a budget (very budget) sporran from Stillwater Kilts. He'll get them both this Sunday.
8th February 14, 06:02 PM
Photos Alan, photos!
waulk softly and carry a big schtick
10th February 14, 02:11 PM
Pastor Greg was off at the Church ski trip this past weekend....NEXT weekend, for sure!
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