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  1. #11
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    Steve and Rex, thank you both for the explanation, apologies if I was a bit quick off the mark, querying where the original post went. Totally agree that there is nothing to see here.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Grizzly For This Useful Post:

  3. #12
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    I don't own a cell phone. I never did, nor did I ever have a pager, though my work came to me by phone contact.
    I'm not on ANY social networking site beyond this one, which I truly enjoy, even when I'm the one being trashed
    or insulted. Or on "Ignore". What I don't like, and never will, and will probably never even understand, is why I'm
    supposed to park my humanity and thinking at the door. Nor why a "Miscellaneous" section exists if everything has
    to be about kilts anyway. Or why someone, anyone, believes they have the right to say what other sentient beings
    can discuss. Or why weapons, with which kilts are inextricably linked, cannot be discussed. I would never say someone should discuss something they find distasteful; I have found a thousand ways to avoid talking about subjects I choose
    not to discuss. What stops others from acting like adults and assuming responsibility for their own actions?

    Now, of course, Steve can claim a bye, here, as the owner and bill-payer. Though why should he have to stand as
    parent to intemperate and bullying interchanges? The language is full of words of CIVIL discourse, and if we never
    cover the subjects we find troublesome, how do we grow intellectually and spiritually? People continually tout the diversity of their country while insisting on closing discussions. If one hasn't learned to be civil, one can exit the thread. Go to
    another thread more to one's taste. Or grow up. Or leave intelligent adults to their discussions.

    The demand to control others is MUCH more offensive than any subject I've ever seen closed here. Knowledge is
    where you find it, not just in ivory towers. Ignore it at your own risk. Or, more truthfully, and sadly, ignore it at the risk to
    and of everyone.

    After logging out, I was thinking about the above, and need to add something. I VALUE YOUR OPINION. Please, please, do not
    deprive me of your thoughts and the opportunity to learn from you by leaving. I would always prefer to hear you, just in civil
    terms and tones. Without any one view, we are all made smaller.
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 8th February 14 at 03:52 AM.

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  5. #13
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    This sort of subject matter is bound to be a tricky subject, for all and particularly for a gentle website such as this. I cannot help but note as we are within a few days of the anniversary of the massacre at Glencoe that there have been many threads on this very website over the years on this particular dreadful event. In my book, appalling human behaviour needs to be highlighted-----and condemned--------- whatever the scale, wherever and whenever it happens, and it matters not if it took place in Scotland(and there are more than a few to consider), Poland, Latvia, Cambodia, Balkans, China, or wherever.

    If I may, I will use Allan as an example. He had no idea of this part of human history, how many more don't know? Millions probably. THEY SHOULD and as it happens, I did know. For those in denial and those that refuse to accept their part in these horrendous actions, silence is absolutely what they like, want and need as they exist and possibly thrive because of people's ignorance. Personally, in exceptional circumstances , which no one here is denying this sort of thing is, then in my view any website is almost duty bound to to allow it, PROVIDED that the members comments are entirely civil.

    In my oh so humble opinion, yes it most certainly is on matters such as this, the more people that know about humanity's appalling behaviour the less likely we are to repeat these dreadful things.

    I fully accept that many do not and will not agree with my train of thought and I fully respect that. However, I likewise hope that those that do not agree with me will respect mine. And I have no doubts that they will.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 8th February 14 at 05:50 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  7. #14
    Bob C's Avatar
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    Would someone PM me a link to the subject matter that led to the original post? I'm curious. Thanks.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  8. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C View Post
    Would someone PM me a link to the subject matter that led to the original post? I'm curious. Thanks.
    same here.... PM please!
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  9. #16
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    Ditto. I am absolutely clueless as to what cause such a stir.

    I agree with the sentiments above about open, honest, and CIVIL discussion but the mystery is actually making matters worse, I think.
    The Official [BREN]

  10. #17
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    Since Alan H was the OP of the removed thread, PM him.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  11. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to KiltedCodeWarrior For This Useful Post:

  12. #18
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    If you look at my FB timeline, it's there, Bob. I've replied to two PM's. Others are welcome to ask.

  13. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Alan H For This Useful Post:

  14. #19
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    If I may offer a couple of suggestions (worth 1/100th a cent):

    1. In my opinion, this thread is, at it's core, better suited for the Site Discussion forum. It's a discussion of how the forum is run; it's a question about how the rules are enforced. It would fit in the Site Discussion forum, no?

    2. To resolve the concern of some about the "censorship" of topics, I would like to suggest a trial sub-forum of Miscellaneous can be established for discussions of a political/religious/news/world-event nature. Much like the Weapons as Kilt Accessories forum is a sub-forum of the How to Accessorize Your Kilt. In this forum, the no weapon rule is relaxed. It is, also, clearly understood by the Rabble this forum WILL and DOES include images with weapons, discussion of weapons, etc. It is also understood if this topic is uncomfortable for one's self, don't go into said forum. The same could be applied to this political sub-forum. Basic rules still apply (i.e. no graphic images, the general "don't be a dick" rule...), but this area would allow those who wish to discuss said subjects a place to do so on this site.

    If there is a concern this subforum's topics would show in the New Threads tool, an alternative would be to make it actually a link to a second forum install on the server, with just the one forum. A simple copy of the members folder should reduce the need for people wishing to utilize said feature to not have to re-sign up.

    I can also understand some of the current moderation staff would not feel comfortable acting in the same role for this proposed option, as well.

    I know this method has worked on other forums; I, also, have seen the opposite to occur. I feel there is enough maturity in the Rabble for this to be successful, instead of a train-wreck.
    Death before Dishonor -- Nothing before Coffee

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  15. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Deirachel For This Useful Post:

  16. #20
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    "Weapons as Kilt Accessories" - The clue is in the title.

    As far as politics is concerned, is there one political party, anywhere in the world that is taking a stance, either for or against the wearing of the kilt? Are kilt wearers being discriminated against or experiencing favouritism, solely because they wear a kilt? If such an event were ever to happen anywhere in the world, we already have the "Kilts in the Media" forum where any such reporting could be posted.

    As far as any other politics (or for that matter religion) is concerned they are forbidden by the rules. The rules are there because people cannot be civil on either subject. That has been proven time and time again. So we leave them at the door.

    The rules are quite simple and are not written in either Chinese nor Serbo-Croat. If members cannot or will not stick to the rules, maybe they should consider going to one of the other kilt forums. There is one that advertises "You can say anything here." People can debate anything that their heart desires and they don't have to worry about being 'family friendly'. They can even wear a kilt while doing it.

  17. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to Chas For This Useful Post:

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