You have entered a realm that no one dares enter unless kilted. The board does it for security reasons, because we cannot have bifurcated people entering into the realm of sanity and of comfort
When I've logged on and read a post I'd like to reply to I'm asked to logg on . I am logged on.. What gives and how do I fix it
I'm still having this problem even thougth I have deleted all cookies and, logged myself on with the remember me box ticked.Someone mentioned a full cookie cache. Is that the same as the directory where I deleted the cookies from? If not has anyone any ideas.I haven't had this problem before and it is getting tiresome
I've had the same problem on occasion but only on fairly lengthy posts. I assumed I had "timed out" because of the length of the post but in light of Davids post maybe not? I'm nearly internet illiterate though, so I'm at a total loss to explain it.
Hmmm, sounds like maybe you have a corrupt cookie in your browser, David... A few times, I had similar problems over at Tom's when they were running the old software... Wouldn't recognize me, would change the format of the board to the default, etc... That was when I used to use Netscape. Now that I'm running the open-source version (Mozilla), those problems disappeared.
I played around with some settings
I deleted all the cookies I could find which related to xmarks. This seems to of helped so it may be as you say a "Corrupt cookie"
I mustn't tell Austin he'll flip out He'll think it's a bit of Tail
Thanks for the help.I can now (a)fjord to take it easier.