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Thread: Utilikilts

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth View Post
    For a modern utility style kilt you could look at Stump Town kilts. http://stumptownkilts.com/

    Not sure if they ship overseas. I have one of their woman's kilts and I really like it!
    I tried one of these on at the KVMR Celtic Festival in Nevada County, CA USA last year and it was pretty nice quality and the guys were very low key, friendly, and helpful. Decided to stay tartan traditional for now, but would consider a Stumptown.

    Another utility style kilt that looks great online, but I've never seen one in person is the Neo Kilt. More of a traditional construction in a canvas kilt. That might be my choice if/when I go canvas.

    Clan Mackintosh North America / Clan Chattan Association
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  2. #12
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    I have a Workman and a Survival from Utilikilts. They are built very well but feel nothing like a "traditional" kilt. They come in handy for hiking, working, and other times when having a multitude of pockets come in handy.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonathanB View Post
    Any comments on Utilikilts. Their website is full of yo-dude-ery which isn’t me, but the kilts look interesting.
    I love that word, 'yo-dude-ery'! Never seen it before but I know what you mean!

    The Utilikilt phenomenon has been pretty amazing here on the West Coast, its home.

    I've been involved with pipe bands and Highland Games and Scottish dancing and kiltwearing since the 70s. Of course it's always been traditional kilts, the only sort that existed.

    Then a number of years ago, at one of our Games, there was a huge Utilikilt booth. Nobody had ever heard of them. Nobody here had ever seen anything like it, a canvas kilt with snaps and pockets and all. That booth was swamped and they pretty much sold everything they had. It seemed the Utilikilts met a need we didn't know we had!

    Utilikilts are fairly mainstream here. I work at Disneyland and I see men wearing them all the time. (Most often they're from the Pacific Northwest, Utilikilt's home.)

    Not only do men with no Scottish/Celtic connexion wear them regularly as part of their ordinary daily dress, but they have also taken the local Scottish community by storm, so that at our Highland Games I would say that Utilikilts outnumber traditional kilts.

    I took the plunge once! I'd often admired the camouflage Utilikilts, especially the RealTree ones (it's a West Virginia thang) and when one in my size came up cheaply on Ebay I bought it. It came in the mail, I put it on, looked in the mirror, took it back off, and sold it on Ebay a few days later. They look great on other people but they're just not for me.

    So perhaps they are slowly spreading in the UK?
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  4. #14
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    From my experience with Utilikilts

    From my experience with Utilikilts.
    I am either in a Utilikilt or a USA Casual every day of the year.

    I have almost all styles and colors/patterns except the "New Original". 33 Utilikilts in all.
    I dry all of them aprons closed, on two clip hangers with weighted clothespins on the aligned and dressed pleats.
    How posted here: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=76200

    The cotton/poly ones are the lowest maintainance as far as pleat curling and wrinkles. Never need the pressing.( Originals and Mockers )

    The cotton ones do need the iron at times if looking good is a factor. But they are the most comfy. I have worn out two and replaced them. ( Survivals )

    The very light weight Desert Digital fabric that shows up on Survivals and Originals is very cool on a hot day. But has the most pleat curl and wrinkle issues.

    The denims have some pleat curling but doesn't seem to hold a wrinkle. Warm and comfy - my winter "go to" kilts.

    The cotton ducks wear like iron, tougher than the rose bushes I trim. If dried per above, the iron isn't needed except for the worst of the rump wrinkles. (Workmans)

    I wear all of them at the times and conditions that fit, bit mostly wear the Survivals for the front pockets and cleaner look of no side pockets with the Survival pockets removed but loaded for when needed.
    Last edited by tundramanq; 21st March 14 at 05:40 AM.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

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  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post


    So perhaps they are slowly spreading in the UK?

    I have no idea OCR, but I have only seen one of that type in the wild, some two or three years ago, worn if my memory serves, by a Scandinavian chap. I could not swear that it was actually a Utilikilt, but it may well have been. I can't say that I was terribly impressed, but its owner was very enthusiastic about it.
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  7. #16
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    I've had a Workman model for years. I use it for home repair and yard work. Easy to maintain, and you don't need to iron it unless you want a "perfect" image. Just wear some boots and socks, and you're ready. No need to get fancy.

    I remember UK corporate went to a "franchise model" a few years ago, and had a massive list of vendors/resellers by state and country. According to their website today, that list has shrank to almost nothing. So maybe their business model has changed back to retail and website orders, again. In terms of purchase, you may need to email them. I'm sure the shipping and tax would be quite a bit.

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  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltboy View Post
    I've had a Workman model for years. I use it for home repair and yard work. Easy to maintain, and you don't need to iron it unless you want a "perfect" image. Just wear some boots and socks, and you're ready. No need to get fancy.

    I have been called "A neat pleat freak" before. By Steve Villegas (Krash), no less.
    But yes, they are designed to be washed and tumble dried. The cotton polys come out looking pretty good this way.
    Last edited by tundramanq; 21st March 14 at 06:13 AM.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

  10. #18
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    I don't have any from Utilikilt, but I have 2 from AmeriKilt. One black, and one saffron. Being based in Pennsylvania, Amerikilt sets up at Irish festivals and Celtic Games up & down the east coast. http://www.amerikilt.com

  11. #19
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    I got a Utilikilt back in 2008. It fits just above my hips which puts a slope in the waist and therefore the hem. That drove me nuts so I changed the hem to make it parallel with the ground. It came out fine but the thing was a little short to begin with in the back. It is now straight but a little too short. So I wear this one when doing projects around the house. (no I won't post any pictures). I found another on Ebay that turned out was manufactured in 2005. There is a difference between the two. For example, the snaps on the 2008 go up to the top. The top two are under the belt. On the 2005 model the snaps start below the belt. If I don't have on a belt the upper couple of inches is hanging free. I am going to add some snaps or at least Velcro. The 2005 model is also way too long for me. The waist is correct but the length is not. I knew that when I got it so I planned on shortening the hem and also make sure it is parallel with the ground. Another project on the project list.


  12. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Mike in Dayton For This Useful Post:

  13. #20
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    By the way it can be confusing because Utilikilt themselves and Utilikilt wearers will often abbreviate it as UK.

    Easier if UK was set aside for United Kingdom.

    I've read things where the writer is using UK for both! and I have trouble following the meaning.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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