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  1. #11
    Join Date
    14th October 10
    Los Alamos, NM, USA
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    That was fun. I particularly liked the very end with the Sgian Dubh and the "bricht moon licht nicht" comment. Thanks.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    25th December 13
    Home Town: Stirling, Scotland // Current: Manchester, England
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    Quote Originally Posted by Highlander31 View Post
    If I had to choose between a PC and the Kinloch Anderson coatee, he is wearing, I would choose the coatee ( currently, for me it's the Regulation Doublet without the buttons on the front.) I prefer jackets with less "flash" to them.
    It appears they also had epaulettes on them back then, which very few of their jackets have now. I'm a little bit more of a Prince Charlie guy, though, especially considering the price of a Kinloch Anderson coatee. Either way their jackets look wonderful (but I can't really afford them ).

    This was actually the first time watching What's My Line, for me. It seems like it ended almost a decade and a half before I was born. I like its style and retro charm, though.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Son of the Rock View Post
    It appears they also had epaulettes on them back then, which very few of their jackets have now. I'm a little bit more of a Prince Charlie guy, though, especially considering the price of a Kinloch Anderson coatee. Either way their jackets look wonderful (but I can't really afford them ).
    You can order a good quality made to measure jacket from Scotweb, MacKenzie Frain, or any one of several other companies, with or without epaulettes, buttons, and cuffs to your liking for less than what you would pay for a coatee from Kinloch Anderson.

    Kinloch Anderson has quality products, but so do a lot of other companies. The other companies, may not have Royal Warrant's on their walls, however, that does not prevent them from giving the customer value for their money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Son of the Rock View Post
    This was actually the first time watching What's My Line, for me. It seems like it ended almost a decade and a half before I was born. I like its style and retro charm, though.
    Along the same lines, here's a clip from their sister show, "I've Got a Secret", with guest Rufus Harley.
    [I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character,
    Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]

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  5. #14
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    Jazz bagpipes, awesome!
    Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
    Eastern Region Vice President
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  6. #15
    Join Date
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    That was wonderful. Thanks for posting.
    "Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4)

    It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.

  7. #16
    Join Date
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    Thank you for posting that. I watched What's My Line many times. I might have seen this episode.

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