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Thread: Casual footwear

  1. #11
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    I have to say that the more I look at these boots the more I like them! They look better up close and I think they would be a great addition to your wardrobe options.

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  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacKenzie View Post
    My pac boots finally gave up the ghost. While searching for a new pair I ran across these.


    I think they'd be ideal for traipsing the fields and woods.
    Thanks for the reference. I liked them as well and picked up a pair. They arrived today and they will happily enter my kit shoe rotation.


  4. #13
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    I was perusing the site of a local bootmaker here in San Antonio (I'm shopping for new western boots, not kilt-related), and came across these:


    My first thought was that they might make some great daywear/casual kilt boots. Obviously, the price is not for the faint of heart, and you'd likely want to think twice about wearing them out in rough country or beating them up. But for an average day about town, or at a Highland Games or other outdoorsy casual gathering of kilted people, these might just look smashing.

    I usually prefer laces on a short boot like this. But these are an adaptation of the "lieutenant's boot" style that I usually associate with (equestrian) riding boots of a WWI-era military nature. Kind of a cool look, I think, and better suited to wearing with a kilt than with trousers, so you can see the whole boot.

  5. #14
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    I have a couple of pairs of Lucchese boots. If these are anything like those then they will feel like comfy socks! Also, I wouldn't be overly concerned about bad weather in them. My Lucchese ostrich boots seemed at first to be fragile but they have been a durable boot that may look ruined when wet but always dry stain free. I'd get them and not look back. They are known for quality and longevity in footwear and PLUS they'd make a damn fine boot with a kilt!

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I was perusing the site of a local bootmaker here in San Antonio (I'm shopping for new western boots, not kilt-related), and came across these:


    My first thought was that they might make some great daywear/casual kilt boots. Obviously, the price is not for the faint of heart, and you'd likely want to think twice about wearing them out in rough country or beating them up. But for an average day about town, or at a Highland Games or other outdoorsy casual gathering of kilted people, these might just look smashing.

    I usually prefer laces on a short boot like this. But these are an adaptation of the "lieutenant's boot" style that I usually associate with (equestrian) riding boots of a WWI-era military nature. Kind of a cool look, I think, and better suited to wearing with a kilt than with trousers, so you can see the whole boot.
    Nice boots, but that's the price of almost two tanks! Easy choice!

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I was perusing the site of a local bootmaker here in San Antonio (I'm shopping for new western boots, not kilt-related), and came across these:


    My first thought was that they might make some great daywear/casual kilt boots. Obviously, the price is not for the faint of heart, and you'd likely want to think twice about wearing them out in rough country or beating them up. But for an average day about town, or at a Highland Games or other outdoorsy casual gathering of kilted people, these might just look smashing.

    I usually prefer laces on a short boot like this. But these are an adaptation of the "lieutenant's boot" style that I usually associate with (equestrian) riding boots of a WWI-era military nature. Kind of a cool look, I think, and better suited to wearing with a kilt than with trousers, so you can see the whole boot.

    That's a good lookin' boot! And I have no problem recommending Lucchese in general - I love my Lucchese ostrich skin boots. They did take about 2~3 wears to break them in and after that it's like having on socks without the hassle of rocks hurting the bottoms of your feet. Easily as comfortable as my sneakers.
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  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChristopherHarrell View Post
    I have a couple of pairs of Lucchese boots. If these are anything like those then they will feel like comfy socks! Also, I wouldn't be overly concerned about bad weather in them. My Lucchese ostrich boots seemed at first to be fragile but they have been a durable boot that may look ruined when wet but always dry stain free. I'd get them and not look back. They are known for quality and longevity in footwear and PLUS they'd make a damn fine boot with a kilt!
    I SWEAR when I said mine felt like socks I hadn't seen that you had already said it. That's 2 votes for socks! (Mine were a Christmas present from my mom though - I'd'a never spent that much on boots. I didn't spend THAT much on my wedding!)

    I've had Dan Post and Justin and those were fine boots but nothing beats my Lucchese. I've had them for about 5 years now I can easily see them lasting 20 or 30 more.
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