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4th June 13
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Normally I wear blueish socks but I just got those in the mail so I thought I'd wear them . I actually bought them to dye them so that's my next project , both jackets only cost 7 bucks so im not out much
Hmm, I'm guessing the jacket wasn't made for you - it looks to be for a taller man? The fabric looks to be in good condition, so it would lend itself to restyling as a kilt jacket but might be a somewhat bigger exercise that usual. Well worth the effort if you like tweeds.
I don't see a problem with the colour combination but then Father Bill makes a good point!
It's the colour she doesn't like . She says that you don't mix brown and purple . The one image is of my first coat and the solid colour Is my second that she likes . I am going up get one cut into a kilt jacket
I like the pattern on the right. Much more interesting than the jacket on the left.
And arguably, tweed jackets worn with Highland day attire that are in virtually any shade of brown will pair nicely with almost any tartan, in almost any colour scheme.