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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Hope all goes well for you Dr D, I can remember posting some time ago about getting infected spots on the inside of my thighs before I started wearing kilts more regularly.
    Good luck with your problem, but I wonder if barrier nursing is the answer. While I don't know all the details would it be a feasible option to use something like Opsite to seal and seperate the 2 areas, so giving them time to heal seperately.
    Cheers Rhino

  2. #12
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    One thing that I have noticed and appreciate about this forum is that we all seem to be genuinely caring for each other (as it should be). Whether we have responded or not to the plight of our brother, we are all aware that it may happen to us, so I would like to take what DrDouglass has said to heart and remind all of us (especially the over 40 crowd) to go the doctor and have everything checked out!
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  3. #13
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Bad part is... I am young. I got struck down early. It can, and will, happen to anybody.

    Got in touch with Visa. Some minor problems. Should be cleared up soon I hope.

  4. #14
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    This is not pretty.

    What's remarkable, though, is that you've told us how, why and how NOT to have this pahhen to you.

    Thank you. Simple....just Thank You.

    .....and heal soon.

  5. #15
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H
    This is not pretty.

    What's remarkable, though, is that you've told us how, why and how NOT to have this pahhen to you.

    Thank you. Simple....just Thank You.

    .....and heal soon.
    Information is power. Power is freedom.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Doc hang in there brother, as Glen said were here for you, and also thanks for being open on every detail. As a cook I can say that I am much more comfortable wearing the kilt cooking than I ever was

    ROb Wright

  7. #17
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Bacteria need a supply of suitable nutrients. Such as, sugars and other carbohydrates, amino acids, sterols, alcohols, hydrocarbons, methane, inorganic salts, and carbon dioxide) Guess what... When you fart, you create vast quantities (At least to microscoptic bacteria) of several of these chemicals. So your flatulence becomes a delicious chemical soup that deposits chemicals to the swampy environment that is your troosers. You are creating the perfect primordial soup for all manner of NASTY things to breed in perfect conditions and have tons of food for their billions of offspring.

    Most bacteria need at least 80% relative humidity to function well. Bacterial cell walls are about 80% water. Being such a simple organism, they have to have just the perfect living conditions to become active. Inside of a pair of pants, when you are sweaty, and the cotton becomes saturated and begins to retain moisture, you gain 100% relative humidity. I know. I checked. While wearing a pair of Levis. Also, temperatures inside of your pants around your crotch area start hitting about 103 to 106 degrees. Can anybody tell me what these numbers mean? Between 101 and 113 degrees, over 10,000 well known, well documented, dangerous, different types of bacteria become active. Your pants have just become a perfect breeding environment. Textbook perfect. Your pants are alive with bacterial and fungal bacteria. Alive and crawling. Your troosers are the mushroom kingdom. Your scrotum is left dangling outside your body for a reason. It's to stay cool. Seriously cool. Down at safe levels. Safe from things that would, and could, eat it alive.

    So, you add a rich chemical soup of nutrients, add humidity, heat, and a perfectly good host, and what do you get? Any guesses? You get Hell my friends. And it's a hot wet clinging Hell. Wet sloppy Hell, made of scum infested fabric, bunched and wrapped around your most delicate bits, your thin delicate skin, an area that is vital to a man's health and wellbeing.

    That my friends, is unsanitary. **Shudders** That may, perhaps, just be the understatement of the year. How modern medical science keeps ignoring this issue in general is beyond me. They warn of smoking and this and that, but, so far, no major warning flags for the dangers of wearing pants. It doesn't take a MENSA member to figure it out and see it for your self when you sit down and crack the books open.

    I am raising that flag. Somebody, anybody, has to be a voice of reason. I already know most will not listen to me. I will be ignored, maybe even scoffed at. Or thought of as a loon. I don't care. I will be heard.

  8. #18
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    If a guy had any such problems I wonder if, first, a doctor could be persuaded to prescribe wearing a kilt and, second, if health insurance would pick up part of the tab. Just an off the wall thought.

  9. #19
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    Well, I think a study of this group could already lead to the identification of kilt-wearing as an addiction. Would that lead to sympathetic subsidies; a sort of methadone-clinic equivalent? Or maybe to the outlawing of kilts?

    Come on! Let's take up an overly awkward and pedantic battle cry!

    They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom*!

    * By 'freedom' we mean wearing the kilt
    So that our underparts don't wilt.
    [We also take the more standard meaning;
    we're individualistic-leaning.]

    or maybe...

    We all live in an manly nation,
    but pants provide no circulation!
    Unbifurcation is the way
    to keep bacteria at bay!

    But seriously, I would frame and mount a prescription for a kilt if I ever got one.

  10. #20
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    Well, it only makes sense to me. Folks that have trouble walking much get Medicare to pay for those little electric scooters, why not kilts?

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