Hmm, I think you may find that rather difficult - I couldn't find any when I was in the UK and they are rarer than hen's teeth here in Australia!
Couple of suggestions,
1. How about extending the belts - get a strip of leather the same width and use the (6?) holes in the existing belts stitch the extensions over the top of the existing belts and then all you need to so is punch a couple of holes at the appropriate points.
2. Consider attaching the existing buckles to a longer "flying belt", stitching the end to where the original buckle holder was attached. Do be careful to ensure you stitch right through all the strengthening in the liner pad, so you don't overly strain the tartan.
3. OK, a bonus, if you only need to extend by say an inch or two, you could move the buckles but again, make sure you stictch through all the strengthening material in the liner pad.
Regards, Sav.
"The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"