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Thread: Very Tribal

  1. #31
    Graham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1
    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    I did register, I was supposed to receive a password but never did, not had time to return.
    Hmmmm. It is a phpBB board, like this one, so the registration process is identical. The phpBB software automatically generates the registration verification e-mail, so you should be getting something. If you do not, let me know and I will PM you the Administrator's information.

    Off to "work"...

    thanks Mike, it might be an idea if you can. I tried re-registering under the same name (Tassiecelt) but I was told that name was taken (yeh, its MINE).
    cheers mate

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander
    Hey ! they're sponsored by my favorite Whisky..Ardbeg

    I'll have to try to listen to them
    I've not tried that whisky, i think it's from Islay, is that right? if so it will have that lovvvvvely peaty taste :mrgreen:

    I'm not sure if we can get it here in the colonies, the rum ship should arrive in three months, I'll just have to hope it's on board and that the crew didn't drink it on the long voyage

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
    I have never heard of this band, and now I cannot even listen to them, so I've no idea what the fuss is all about! However, they look as if they could all do with a good bath - and some tattoo removal treatments!!!!

    No offence - just my opinion. Maybe they DO sound great!
    Oh come on Hamish, let your hair down a bit I don't like the tattoos either but I'm sure they wash as often as I do (one a month, whether I need to or not).

    They wear kilts, what else matters?

  4. #34
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    My wife is fond of folk music of every variety. She's in the process of ordering an album now.

    Thank you.

  5. #35
    Mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    thanks Mike, it might be an idea if you can. I tried re-registering under the same name (Tassiecelt) but I was told that name was taken (yeh, its MINE).
    cheers mate
    OK, you ARE registered, you are member #504 on the list. It shows you registered on September 23rd.

    (Unless there is another Tassiecelt in Tasmania... As if!?! )

    HERE is a link for you to try. Send your Tassiecelt user name and your e-mail address and you SHOULD get a reply.

    If that does not work, PM me and I will see if I can scare the Admin pro tempore up. I ~think~ the Admin is here in the States, with the group.


  6. #36
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    Graham, did you have any luck with the link I provided? Let me know, yea or nay, so I will know if I need to stay on this for you.


  7. #37
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    missed them

    Quote Originally Posted by awoodfellow
    These guys are great. we've caught them twice at some highland games in G-burg and Glasgow Games in KY. they tend to draw a hugh crowd.

    these folks have some serious energy!


    They were supposed to perform at the last Virginia ren faire a few years ago, but they didn't show up. I was highly dissapointed. However, in their defence, the weather was horrible, it had been raining hard for several days, and the place was a sea of mud. The ladies there in their long dresses and skirts were soaked from the ground up to their knees and the place was so muddy that some people slipped and fell. If they ever get back within a hundred miles of me, I will go and see them. I did just order a CD, this week.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

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