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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by chemist93 View Post
    I've been compared to Charles Kuralt, David Brinkley, and a few others.
    Those are not bad voices to be compared to. BTW, if I may ask, where in the NC Highlands do you reside?
    Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
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  2. #32
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    Outside of Morganton. I sometimes sound like Sen. Sam Ervin when angry
    Last edited by chemist93; 8th May 14 at 04:24 PM.

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  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by chemist93 View Post
    Outside of Morganton. I sometimes sound like Sen. Sam Ervin when angry
    Morganton? Ever heard of the Carswells?

    Anyway, I've been told by friends on Skype I sound Canadian.

  5. #34
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    Heard of Carswells? You can't swing a cat in and around Morganton without hitting a Carswell, or a Patton or Ervin.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by KD Burke View Post
    I was raised in the Deep South (Southeastern US to those unfamilar with the idiom) in the late 60s and early 70s. At the time, the news reports seemed to be filled with terrible things caused by ignorant or hateful people in my part of the world. With the exception of the aforementioned Andy Griffith, every person in the mass media with a "Southern" accent was portrayed as ignorant, foolish, and ususally venal.

    I suppose that due to the negative connotations I associated with my own speech, I subconsciously emulated newscasters and others with the generic "Mid-Atlantic" accent. That is how I sound most often.
    I also grew up in the 70's Deep South and, for the same reasons, made a bit of a conscious effort to do away with my accent. Over time I figured out that it is the content and delivery, not the accent, that matters and I've relaxed and allowed some Southern accent and Southern phrases back in. I try to be an ambassador for what is good about the South and Southerners. Mrs. Jones tells me that my accent becomes more pronounced at family reunions out in the country.

    But more to the point of the post, I've never been told that I sound like anyone famous.
    Craig Jones
    It’s a lang road that’s no goat a turnin

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creag View Post
    I also grew up in the 70's Deep South and, for the same reasons, made a bit of a conscious effort to do away with my accent. Over time I figured out that it is the content and delivery, not the accent, that matters and I've relaxed and allowed some Southern accent and Southern phrases back in. I try to be an ambassador for what is good about the South and Southerners. Mrs. Jones tells me that my accent becomes more pronounced at family reunions out in the country.

    But more to the point of the post, I've never been told that I sound like anyone famous.
    I grew up with a similar background, in South Louisiana - a place known for strong accents, but I've never tried to suppress any accent, because I've never really HAD an accent. Both my parents were born in LA, but spend significant portions of their childhood years elsewhere - and neither of them had strong accents. Between that and watching too much TV, my brother and I (at least to my my ear) sound pretty neutral, considering.

    Funny though, in the South people tell me I lack any regional accent, but when I'm in other parts of the country, I'm often quickly pegged as a Southerner.
    And like you, in all matters I try to be a good ambassador.

    And I've never been told that I sound like anyone famous.

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creag View Post
    I also grew up in the 70's Deep South and, for the same reasons, made a bit of a conscious effort to do away with my accent. Over time I figured out that it is the content and delivery, not the accent, that matters and I've relaxed and allowed some Southern accent and Southern phrases back in. I try to be an ambassador for what is good about the South and Southerners. Mrs. Jones tells me that my accent becomes more pronounced at family reunions out in the country.

    But more to the point of the post, I've never been told that I sound like anyone famous.
    Yeah, it's a darn shame that the southern accent is disappearing mostly due to Hollywood and TV anchors.

    My mother's family was all from the south and had strong accents. I always loved listening to them talk and when I go down south I always expect to hear it but rarely do anymore.

    This strange new world stinks in many ways...

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  10. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Heard of Carswells? You can't swing a cat in and around Morganton without hitting a Carswell, or a Patton or Ervin.
    Cool! My mother's side are Carswells. MY great (4 times) Grandfather came from there and fought and died at Fredericksburg in the 6th NC Volunteer infantry under General Longstreet.
    He's buried in Richmond and we visited his grave last summer after I found it thanks to the internet.

    He had property up in the hills and left 4 kids and his wife behind.

    Some of those Carswells are my family.
    Last edited by MacCorquodale; 10th May 14 at 07:38 AM.

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