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  1. #1
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    Cool Kilted Photo Scavenger Hunt

    It’s always great fun looking through all the wonderful kilted pics people put up on XMarks. I think that it’s time we kick things up a notch and add a little bit of fun to it as well!

    This is a challenge-based game that any XMarks member may play (as many times as you please too). It’s a bit similar to the song title game, in that the winner of the previous challenge gets to specify the new challenge. Here’s how it works.

    The Game:

    Someone will post a challenge that involves taking photos of you, kilted, in various places and situations. The first person to satisfy the challenge and post a photo of the evidence, wins the round, and gets to set the next one for people to compete.


    * Take a pic of you wearing a kilt to satisfy the current specific challenge.
    * It may be a selfie, OR you can have someone take the photo for you.
    * Full body shots are not necessary, but it must be obvious that it’s you and not someone else (unless that's what the challenge asks for), and at least a part of a kilt must be visible in the picture.
    * Challenges are specific. If someone says to take a pic in front of a sign that says “Welcome to…<a city>” one that just says the name of the city will NOT work.
    * However… If it says “a pic in front of a yellow vehicle” then it could be a taxi OR a speedboat, because the poster didn’t specify more clearly.

    * Post a SPECIFIC next challenge. Make it something accomplishable NOT something ridiculous. That will slow down the game for everyone. The idea is to kilt up, get out someplace, take a picture, post it and move on not stage a performance art piece.

    * But feel free to make things easy OR hard. Both can be equally difficult… If it’s something super-simple, then it will be a race to see who can get the photo uploaded first. But if it’s something more complex, it may take a bit of time before someone can satisfy the challenge.

    * Please post the challenge in bold font so people can easily find it.

    * Remember this is a worldwide game. Make your challenge something the majority of members, regardless of location, can accomplish since this IS an international forum. So if you say, “a pic in front of Tim Hortons” then anyone who’s not Canadian will be out of luck.

    * There may be disagreements about whether challenges have been met or were specific enough. The original poster has the first right to determine whether his/her challenge has been met. If we cannot come to a logical conclusion by that method, the originator of the game, CDNSushi is the final referee. In the unlikely event we cannot get a timely judgement by the referee, (like if I get hit by a bus or something), a vote by three players can be made to wait for "judgement" by referee or "play on.”

    * In the event a challenge has stalled the game, seven days will be the limit of it's duration. After that time limit the person who made the challenge may suggest a new next challenge. If this person doesn't reply in 24 hours then the previous winner gets to pick the new next challenge.

    * Photoshops (or any other photo editing), or photo-montages are not permitted because, while creative and requiring at least some time and skill, are contrary to the spirit of the contest, which is to get out more and take more piccies.

    ***** OLD PHOTOS CANNOT be used.
    That means ANY photo existing in your possession at or before the time a challenge is made does NOT count… After the challenge has been posted you have to go out and get a NEW photo to satisfy it. I cannot overemphasize this, but this is probably the most important rule. I don’t care if you have the perfect photo from that one time you visited Disneyland… The whole point of this game is to get out, have fun, explore new places, and take new photos.

    It's pretty simple. Anyone participating in this thread automatically agrees to these rules and must abide by them regardless of their personal opinion. Anyone who cannot abide by them may feel free to withdraw from the game.


    Post a pic of yourself kilted in a church.

    Name:  photo3.JPG
Views: 3265
Size:  141.4 KB

    Post a pic of yourself kilted, standing next to a kiltmaker.

    Name:  DSCF1792.jpg
Views: 3257
Size:  107.7 KB

    Ok. Here goes... I'll start us off with something not too daunting.

    Post a pic of yourself kilted with an animal that is not a dog or a cat.

    Last edited by CDNSushi; 7th July 14 at 08:37 PM. Reason: Changed the duration for the challenge

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to CDNSushi For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Great challenge . I don't have a pic at this moment , but I see you have a pic with a Devil Dog ( Steve Ashton , Marine Corps ) .
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

  4. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to MacGumerait For This Useful Post:

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    * In the event a challenge has stalled the game, 36 hours (3 days) will be the limit of it's duration. After that time limit the person who made the challenge can either do it themselves OR suggest a new next challenge. If they don't reply in 12 hours then the previous winner gets to pick the new next challenge.
    36 hours, or three days?

    This does sound like fun. Must the animal be alive, or will formerly-alive do?

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    I'll try out the rules. JD can tell me if I am keeping within the spirit of the game.

    I am often kilted standing with Ravens, thunderbirds, orcas and bears.

    The next challenge:

    Post a photo of yourself kilted with a celebrity.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  7. #5
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    Yes on the animals, Steve. No (probably) on the NEW photo rule... As far as I know, your museum docent duties are only on Sundays, whereas the challenge went up only yesterday (Wednesday).

    Original challenge still stands. Lol.

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to CDNSushi For This Useful Post:

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasem View Post
    36 hours, or three days?

    This does sound like fun. Must the animal be alive, or will formerly-alive do?
    If I didn't specify, dead animals woul meet the requirement.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Yes on the animals, Steve. No (probably) on the NEW photo rule... As far as I know, your museum docent duties are only on Sundays, whereas the challenge went up only yesterday (Wednesday).

    Original challenge still stands. Lol.
    Quick Steve -- run to the museum for a new photo.

  11. #8
    Join Date
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    Actually I wanted to post this pic.

    But felt that some here may be upset that the RBCM has an extinct animal on display.

    (And for those with sensitive constitutions may I assure you that the museum did not go out and shoot this guy. He was road kill.)

    I'll accept your decision as these are not new photos. I respectfully bow out for the next member.

    The original challenge stands.

    Post a pic of yourself kilted with an animal that is not a dog or a cat.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  12. #9
    Join Date
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    My only question, which one of you is older Steve?

  13. The Following User Says 'Aye' to McMurdo For This Useful Post:

  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    My only question, which one of you is older Steve?


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