"Mad Jack" would be a great subject for a film!
Another thread reminded me of the extraordinary life of Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming "Mad Jack" Churchill. I personally believe that it would make a wonderful film. It would, with no embellishment or "dramatic license" qualify as a blockbuster! Perhaps we can get Spielberg interested! 
The matter of an actor to play the man is a concern. Who could possibly carry off his unique combination of charisma, punctilious courtesy, bravery and audacity?
'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "
The Following User Says 'Aye' to KD Burke For This Useful Post:
Gerrard butler perhaps , Churchill was a true eccentric warrior , had March of the Cameron men played while landing at D Day , last man to kill the enemy with a longbow and carried a broadsword ! What a Man !!!
Not Gerrard. Sorry but I think he'd be kind of token (ironically).
Too bad Robert Duvall is too advanced in age. He'd have been brilliant and has already proven himself very capable of playing an eccentric military commander...or any other character conceivable.
Edited to add: Robert Downey Jr. Hugh Jackman. Daniel Craig.
Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 26th May 14 at 01:13 AM.
The Official [BREN]
What a role for Brian Blessed 
I would cast a British actor:
Christian Bale / Charles Edwards / Benedict Cumberbatch (I don't want to wait much longer for the next Sherlock) / Clive Owen / Hello to Jason Isaacs / ...
Last edited by Carlo; 26th May 14 at 06:14 PM.
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Carlo For This Useful Post:
I think that a good actor can become the character.
Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln? He did a fantastic job. Stunning performance.
William Hurt played William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke. He did a great job. He's from Washington, DC.
Liam Neeson isn't Scottish but did a darned fine job in Rob Roy.
Oscar Isaac (Guatemalan) played King John. Scott Grimes (American) same film, played Will Scarlett.
Max von Sydow is Swedish.
So is Stellan Starsgård.
James McAvoy is Scottish and has played several American characters. So has Ewan MacGregor. Jason Isaacs has played several American characters.
Catch my drift? Get the best actor. Ignore his nationality.
The Official [BREN]
Having just seen the new X-Men flick, I was reminded how much I like Michael Fassbender.
Sadly, if this movie were to be made now it would probably be directed by Michael Bay and star Channing Tatum.
The Following User Says 'Aye' to ratspike For This Useful Post:
Bren, I catch your drift 
Just saying that there are many great British actors.
You could add Viggo Mortensen to your list
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Carlo For This Useful Post:
Well it's a bit too late now , but I think Alec Guinness would have been the perfect candidate for the role of " Mad Jack Churchill " .
Think of " Tunes of Glory " and " Bridge Over River Kwai " .
Not sure who could fit that bill today .
Mike Montgomery
Clan Montgomery Society , International
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to MacGumerait For This Useful Post:
Im not sure people would quite believe Mad Jacks story , it is amazing and eccentric to say the least , I wonder what veterans from WW2 would have thought of it .
The Following User Says 'Aye' to guardsman For This Useful Post:
9th June 14, 03:46 PM
Deserving of, as the nickname given to Marshal Michel Ney by the Grande Armee, "The bravest of the brave."
Eternal honour to Mad Jack Churchill
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