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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Doesn't bother me one bit. Menswear in general is just so flippin' boring to begin with, I like to see anything that challenges stodgy, old, tired, overdone styles. I mean, seriously. Men's suits haven't changed much in almost a century.

    Each to their own. If ya wanna wear shorts with your suit... Give'er! I won't be the one to criticize.
    CDNSushi, always the rebel!
    Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
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  3. #32
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    That's one of the many reasons why we like him.

    The Official [BREN]

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  5. #33
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    Well, the way I figure it, is the whole lot of us rabble are already turning heads and questioning the menswear status quo by wearing kilts. As such, it would seem to me that I'd be calling the kettle black by belittling someone else's attempts to do the same thing (just going about it in a very different way). Honi soit qui mal y pense, as an old English monarch once said...

  6. #34
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    Here you go in tartan fabric is cotton linen. With those patch pockets and three buttons you could probably shorten the jacket to kilt coat length then you got yourself a smart looking "mock-kilt thing" really going on. Saa-weeeeet.

    It advertises as "Modeled after old British hunting jackets, this is a rugged traditional suit. It's woven in lightweight cotton-linen that breathes well in the warm weather and finished with details often found on the workwear jackets of the 1940s, like a buttoned throatlatch. If you're looking for the comfortable summer suit that nobody else will have, this is it." And for the shorts " a vintage-inspired fishtail yoke on the back and suspender buttons".

    ?'s when did a shorts suit become traditional?
    Is it the buttoned throat latch that makes that jacket so damned appealing? Because I really want to close the jacket up tight against those cooling summer breezes.
    Lest we forget those shorts, suspender buttons, on shorts, a bridge to far - I think not. But they do break the cardinal rule "thou shall wear a belt when your suit has belt loops."

    Now don't go racing off to purchase that so fast. It will be on sale soon enough. So here is where the above proficy will actually and finally come true. You will be in a comfortable suit that nobody else will have.

    And here I will confess I actually do wear j.crew suits to the office. They are a fine suit and on sale a decent value. The short suit, well that is a different story. If I had a son who was 5 years old this might work ..... for his second suit. On second thought, I have to ask myself, exactly how many 5 years oldboys need a second suit.

    Last edited by Connaughton; 13th June 14 at 02:49 AM.

  7. #35
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    After due consideration I have concluded that the short suit is the sartorial equivalent of the mullet (the hairstyle not the fish).

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to McElmurry For This Useful Post:

  9. #36
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    Ladies and gents,

    This thread has been flagged as possibly breaking one of our rules. As a result, I've moved (locked) the thread in the Cooling Off Corner until such time as the moderators have a chance to deliberate on the best action to take, depending on whether or not rules have indeed been broken.

    I apologize for the inconvenience.


    On behalf of the XMTS moderating staff.

    EDIT (6/16/2014):

    The moderators have deliberated and have decided that this thread does not break our rules at this time. The thread is therefore returned and is now re-opened. Apologies for the inconvenience. Discuss away, and remember to keep things polite.
    Last edited by CDNSushi; 17th June 14 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Thread re-opened. No rule violation.

  10. #37
    Bob C's Avatar
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    They're not anything I would wear, but a lot of people think we look ridiculous in our kilts. To each, his own.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

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