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  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
    Hehe - whereas we are taught that the War of 1812 was the day we came together and had our first real nation defining moment prior to confederation, where the loyalist and colonial proto-Canadians of British North America fought valiantly and turned back the imperialist tide of Manifest Destiny.

    Unfortunately, I can't really add much to the OPs question about wearing the kilt in Scotland but I can say that when competing at the World University Debating Championships, countries are asked to wear their National dress periodically and some wear it the whole time.

    I wore the kilt and my debating partner who is indo-Canadian wore his kurtha pajama and the Scottish delegation was very pleased that I chose to do that and the Indian delegation was equally proud of my debating partner. The Scots were curious about my story but they were very warm about it and I could tell that they were OK with it (and me) by the amount of parties I was invited to and the number of those gents with whom I am still in contact on occasion.

    The Canadian delegation was thrilled about it because they thought we represented Canada's multicultural identity perfectly.

    Here we are:

    Attachment 19782
    And now the hatchet is buried in the ground where it should and shall remain, my friend.

    For all of your enlightening and valuable posts I owe you a dram if we ever cross paths in the real world, Nathan.
    The Official [BREN]

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  3. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOfficialBren View Post
    And now the hatchet is buried in the ground where it should and shall remain, my friend.

    Amen. May it always remain so.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOfficialBren View Post
    For all of your enlightening and valuable posts I owe you a dram if we ever cross paths in the real world, Nathan.
    I enjoy your posts, too, Bren and I will be very glad should that day come.
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

  4. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Nathan For This Useful Post:

  5. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus View Post
    Since devolution, all aspects of education have been the responsibility of the Scottish Government and things have improved, I believe. Prior to that, despite having a separate education and exam system and the Scottish arm of the Ministry of Education moving to Edinburgh in 1939, overall control was from Westminster. Who actually set curriculum content I don't know.
    To the Mods, I really wish there was a way to have to confirm if you really want to leave a flag instead of an 'aye'. It is entirely too easy to hit the flag and then have no recourse to correct the mistake.

  6. #94
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    I want to say that I really appreciate all of the posts in reply to my questions. They have been truly enlightening, and they encourage me to not only wear the kilt should I make it to Scotland, but to wear it more frequently here in the states.

  7. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to kilttrip For This Useful Post:

  8. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilttrip View Post
    To the Mods, I really wish there was a way to have to confirm if you really want to leave a flag instead of an 'aye'. It is entirely too easy to hit the flag and then have no recourse to correct the mistake.
    I'm not a mod, but I've accidentally hit the flag before. There kind of is a confirm because when you hit flag, it opens up a window to describe the basis of your flag. At that point, you can just close the window or cancel it and no flag goes in.
    Natan Easbaig Mac Dhòmhnaill, FSA Scot
    Past High Commissioner, Clan Donald Canada
    “Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.” - The Canadian Boat Song.

  9. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Nathan For This Useful Post:

  10. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOfficialBren View Post
    We in the US (specifically California) get a very one-sided education regarding the Revolution and the War Between the States. Very little information about pre-Revolution, antibellum, or post-bellum. No mention whatsoever of westward expansion except for the California Gold Rush, Lewis and Clark's expedition, and Manifest Destiny (which is, ashamedly, preached as Gospel). Brief plot points about the Louisiana Purchase (Napoleon Bonaparte's predicament there being glossed ver greatly). The War of 1812 is usually not taught at all.
    History seems to truly be a shortfall in most any education system. I recall being in High School in Virginia in the early 80s, US history essentially started with Columbus, then Jamestown (never mind the grand civilizations that existed pre-European arrival), hit the highlights of the various 19th century wars, the industrial revolution, WWI, the Great Depression, then, "the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, enjoy your summer vacation." I presume that anything beyond that, we were expected to ask our parents and grandparents about. These days, US history classes give an even more cursory glance, and continue up through the current president's election. There is just too much information for too little time, and with standardized testing and whatnot, teachers, even the most enthusiastic and talented, can do little more than spark the aforementioned "spark."

    To keep this on topic, someday I hope to tour Scotland and plan to respectfully wear the kilt and accouterments to show my appreciation for their culture and history.

  11. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Leatherneck Donald For This Useful Post:

  12. #97
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    As a Maclean descendant, my bucket list includes visiting the Culloden battlefield and getting my picture taken at the Maclean cairn in my SAMS uniform (kilt with khaki shirt and insignia--or maybe Ike jacket depending on weather). since I would have it anyway I might wear the kilt to a dinner or other event, but I wouldn't plan on wearing it all the time. Not that there's anything with that!
    "...the Code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules."

    Captain Hector Barbossa

  13. The Following User Says 'Aye' to kiltimabar For This Useful Post:

  14. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
    I'm not a mod, but I've accidentally hit the flag before. There kind of is a confirm because when you hit flag, it opens up a window to describe the basis of your flag. At that point, you can just close the window or cancel it and no flag goes in.
    Thank you, Nathan. I've seen that window, of course, but I didn't know that if you cancel the window it also canceled the flag. You made my conscience feel better about 'fagging' someone that not only didn't deserve it, but deserved an 'aye' instead!

  15. #99
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    And don't worry; we use our discretion on those things anyway!

    Father Bill for the Moderators
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair.

  16. #100
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    A wee true story of last week.

    Mrs Jock and I were on the ferry from Ullapool to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis and guess what we saw-------apart from basking sharks, porpoises, minkie whales, gannets, Sea and Golden eagles, puffins and other assorted sea birds--------yes you have got it, a chap wearing the kilt, an American. I did not recognise the tartan, and I have to say he was not dressed traditionally. Before anyone jumps down my throat bear with me!

    Some sort of multi- coloured trainers adorned his feet combined with short white(off white dirty actually)socks, kilt bottom at top of the calf height, purple T shirt, and a base ball hat. "Oh my word!" I thought, but he looked happy so what the heck. Anyway, Mrs Jock bumped into this fellows very attractive and nice wife and as things do we all four of us sat together for the rest of the journey chatting away about this and that.Then came the question. No, not THE question! "Do you(me) know anything about kilts?" I was not wearing the kilt. Mrs Jock nearly fell off the seat laughing as I muttered a modest reply in the affirmative. And on the conversation went-------

    Too many questions to remember accurately, but here are a few that I can remember, but not exactly word for word.

    Is it OK for an American to wear the kilt in Scotland?

    Why is it the locals don't wear the kilt everyday?

    When are kilts worn by the locals?

    Why is it I (him)don't get compliments about wearing the kilt like I do in America? I have had none whilst being over here.I have worn ALL my ten Clan tartan kilts(different Clans) and still I get no compliments.

    Well no doubt, those that have been reading this thread will able to answer the questions.

    Anyway and somewhat thankfully------the dreaded tartan justification lecture was about to begin----- Stornoway hove into view and I was able to utter some fairly non contentious advice, before we parted company.

    PART TWO. On the ferry from Barra to Oban.

    There I was watching the waves go by and the gannets diving for fish when a familiar American voice from behind said, "are you Jock Scot the kilt expert from Xmarksthescot?" I muttered a rather embarrassed reply that I was he, but go steady on the "expert" bit. Oh said he," I have spent the last week in the evenings, reading xmarksthescot, reading your posts---------"he's on holiday with his pretty and charming wife, has he not got anything better to do in the evenings?!" I pondered-------- herrumph, anyway back to kilts-------------- and now I can see why I get the frowns and rolled eyes from the Lowlands and blank looks and the "I have nothing to say" impression, from the Highland Scots(interesting observation there)-----I am doing it all wrong! We are going to Inverness tomorrow to buy the right stuff."

    Fame at last!

    Last edited by Jock Scot; 1st July 14 at 06:32 AM. Reason: added something
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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