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  1. #11
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    You may well have a pint I had not taken in to account with this . My first kilt has 3, my second kilt has 3, the Black watch and all military ones I have been looking at have 3 so that's what I have come to except as normal, Even the 3 vintage skinny boy 30" ones I picked up at a car boot a few weeks back had 3. In fact the only ones iv seen with 2 up until this point have been ones listed as lady's kilt dresses but the buckles have been half the width of this one and seem to be right on the top band as well.

    Ether way I have a 2 strap now
    Last edited by Norbo; 28th June 14 at 03:47 PM.

  2. #12
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    If I recall correctly, the third strap is somewhat vestigial in nature. It comes from a time when most/all kilts were military cut (with a rise that came to up under the lowest rib). The third strap would be where the top right-hand strap is now.

    Now that kilts are made slightly lower in general (rising only to the navel/natural waist) the third strap hangs almost at the top of the hip.

    I have 3 custom made kilts, two of them in custom weaves- one from Matt Newsome, one from Xman (Papa Kilts) and one from MacDonald Kilts, all with only two straps. I don't care for the way the third strap pulls on the apron, but then I've got fairly large legs (my mother used to call 'em "Frog Legs") from several decades of swimming.


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  4. #13
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    I have both 2 and 3 strap kilts. I agree that the 3rd strap is unnecessary - for me anyway. But, I prefer the look of 3 straps - makes me look more strapping.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

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  6. #14
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    And I have to chip in and say it's not always the same two straps! My ex military Mackenzie Seaforth has only two straps, both on the right side. The inner apron is just held up by the pressure of the top apron. I've seen a number of the 22 oz Military kilts like this.

    My PV kilt has three - I tried not fastening the left one but that doesn't work - the lesser weight, perhaps or maybe he different friction of the cloth?
    Regards, Sav.

    "The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"

  7. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    All my 'quality' kilts have 3 straps, but my lesser kilts have 2.
    A good, quality kilt (tank) can very well have two straps. I have three outstanding kilts, all hand-stitched: one by Bonnie Heather Greene, and two by Wallace Catanach, and these 8 yd. beauties, of which two are from D.C. Dalgleish and one Marton Mills, have two straps.

    I guess it's what one prefers. I, personally like the two strap route. The third, on the hip, can sometimes pull the tartan pattern out of shape. So, go for what makes you happy!

  8. #16
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    Ill have to see how I like the feel of the 2 strap when it arrives .
    And can any one ID it for me I still have no idea what it is .

  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norbo View Post
    Ill have to see how I like the feel of the 2 strap when it arrives .
    And can any one ID it for me I still have no idea what it is .
    It looks like the MacDonald of Clanranald, but with yellow (instead of white) overstripes. Perhaps it's a custom woven variation.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  10. #18
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    I ask for my kilts to be made with only two straps, as I've found that the third often pulls. When I discovered this on my first kilt, I removed the third strap myself.

  11. #19
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    Norbo, I looked through my tartan reference books and it looks to me like Cochrane.

    When I make kilts, I prefer to make them with 2 straps. But if the person wants 3, I'll do that.

    When I make 5-6 yard kilt skirts for ladies, I put just one strap on the over-apron at the waistband, and fasten the underapron inside with an extra large snap (or sometimes non-snag velcro).
    Last edited by bonnie heather; 30th June 14 at 09:13 AM.
    Bonnie Heather Greene, Kiltmaker and Artist
    Traditional hand stitched kilts, kilt alterations, kilt-skirts

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  13. #20
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    I well remember whilst getting measured for a new kilt, many years ago now, by a renowned bespoke kilt maker in Inverness, floating an idea past the owner of the establishment that perhaps three straps on my new kilt might make a change. Without batting an eye and with no change in his voice tone he replied; "then sir had better go elsewhere for his kilt." Needless to say, I had two straps on my new kilt.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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