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Thread: Ashton Kutcher

  1. #11
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    Who on earth is Ashton Kutcher, and where does a half-sized piece of open countryside come into the equation?
    [B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/

  2. #12
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    i can t understand at all why women accept skirts without freedom of comfortable sitting. we have to liberate them as well
    I wouldn't worry too much about liberating women. They've done just fine on their own. In fact, they've quite deliberately chosen not to bring us along with them as a matter of strategy:

    "Objectively, men as a group have vested interests opposed to those of women as a group. We will, for example, cut into their jobs, challenge their position of comfort in the family, and take personal power away from them. In the short-run, and in some ways, men are an enemy."

    "Too often our actions contradict our knowledge that originally brought US together——you cannot overcome social problems with personal solutions. Thus a "position" on men should be tactical: it varies with the real circumstances. A position on men is not our program. Sexism, not men, is our politcal enemy."


    If our aim is to get more men into kilts then it's not good strategically or tactically to encourage women to wear them.

    When kilts become popular with men, women will wear them, for any number of personal and political reasons.

    If women begin wearing them before they catch on with most men, then kilts will be lumped in with skirts and most men won't ever wear them.

    First things first.

    We need to liberate ourselves.

  3. #13
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rigged
    i can t understand at all why women accept skirts without freedom of comfortable sitting. we have to liberate them as well
    I wouldn't worry too much about liberating women. They've done just fine on their own. In fact, they've quite deliberately chosen not to bring us along with them as a matter of strategy:

    "Objectively, men as a group have vested interests opposed to those of women as a group. We will, for example, cut into their jobs, challenge their position of comfort in the family, and take personal power away from them. In the short-run, and in some ways, men are an enemy."

    "Too often our actions contradict our knowledge that originally brought US together——you cannot overcome social problems with personal solutions. Thus a "position" on men should be tactical: it varies with the real circumstances. A position on men is not our program. Sexism, not men, is our politcal enemy."


    If our aim is to get more men into kilts then it's not good strategically or tactically to encourage women to wear them.

    When kilts become popular with men, women will wear them, for any number of personal and political reasons.

    If women begin wearing them before they catch on with most men, then kilts will be lumped in with skirts and most men won't ever wear them.

    First things first.

    We need to liberate ourselves.
    Where you a philosophy student at one time?

    Nicely said.

  4. #14
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    If Ashton is going to wear a camoflauge kilt, then I'm going to go out and buy five... NOT.

    Now, if Demi Moore was wearing the thing, I would be ALL OVER that! 8)

    (Take that last sentence as you wish).
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
    Who on earth is Ashton Kutcher, and where does a half-sized piece of open countryside come into the equation?
    Ashton Kutcher is a 20 something actor of a TV show called, That 70's Show ,and he plays the town Idiot. He also was in a couple of movies this year.

    of course, his biggest claim to fame is that he is dating Demi Moore, a women who is about 20 years senior to young Ashton.

  6. #16
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    Where you a philosophy student at one time?
    All my life, I suppose. But I've been involved in a variety of political and social movements. That gives me some experience and perspective on how political agendas are formulated and propogandized.

    I suppose you could say that I have a "nose" for propoganda and recognize how people can be indoctrinated into supporting a cause without being fully conscious of it.

    For instance, the feminist movement (more choices for women, often at the expense of choices for men) has done such of good job of mainstreaming their agenda that many men support the feminist agenda without being fully aware of it.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcmtnbka
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
    Who on earth is Ashton Kutcher, and where does a half-sized piece of open countryside come into the equation?
    Ashton Kutcher is a 20 something actor of a TV show called, That 70's Show ,and he plays the town Idiot. He also was in a couple of movies this year.

    of course, his biggest claim to fame is that he is dating Demi Moore, a women who is about 20 years senior to young Ashton.
    Hey Now! it's only a 14 year age difference, and there is nothing wrong with a women in her early 40's being with a man in his late 20's.

  8. #18
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  9. #19
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Rigged. Philosophy? Propaganda? Are they not the same thing, two sides (And perhaps the edge of) the same coin? Both are a means to an end to form a basis for a shared series of thoughts. Both are powerful weapons. They are yin and yang. One shapes the other. Alter one and you warp the other. Both are a means of indoctrination. You are gifted.

    As for Ashton and Moore, I don't care for either of them. Ashton annoys me. To the point where I turn off the boob tube if I see him. He has made stupidity fashionable and stylish.


  10. #20
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    All apples are fruit. Not all fruit are apples. All kilts are skirts. Not all skirts are kilts.
    well said Dr.
    I think it's quite funny when someone says I'm wearing a skirt.I'm man enough and secure enough not to get upset by this.
    I just mentioned it to push a few buttons that's all.to get a few reactions.
    sorry guys, just me havin a bit of fun :P

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