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  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dani Mac View Post
    Thanks, Steve. I didn't realize the motto was used across Clan Chattan. Always learning more!
    It was great to meet you, Dani Mac. I have quite a few MacPherson friends and now I have one more!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

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  3. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedKnome View Post
    DixieCat....did you make it?
    Aye! Home safe and sound. One of the few times that all my flights departed and arrived on time. David and I travelled up to Whistler first before heading to the airport. I finally walked in my front door on Sunday at noonish.

    It was a fantastic trip and I'm very sorry it had to end. Learning from Barb was such a privilege! Just getting a hint on how pleating is derived at was a real eye-opener. My tartan that cannot be named, almost defeated me. I had desperately wanted to pleat to sett, but it would not allow me and in the end I forced my stripe preference upon it's beastliness and I have it in it's death throes. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.

    I also have to thank Barb for Stardust. Can't wait to get that and watch it with the daughter.

    Pics I snapped on our 3rd day:

    The rabble-rowsing room:






    Plaid Preacher:

    The Other Mary:

    Benning Boy:
    Last edited by Dixiecat; 12th August 14 at 08:57 PM. Reason: typo
    --Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.

  4. #93
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    At Kindall, Nebraska. Long drive today. Got busted for speeding in Idaho. Hint: the fine for speeding in Idaho is the same, $90, whether you're going one mph over the limit, or 15 mph over the limit. Posted is 80. Knowing what I know now, I should have been going 95, I'd get home faster and it wouldn't cost me anymore. He nabbed me fair and square, but it was a touch annoying that he didn't stop those driving faster than me. Only the third speeding ticket in 53 years of driving. It occurred to me today that some people make 8-yard kilts, some people make 20-yard kilts, but I'm making a 4,500-mile kilt. You may be faster Thistledubh, but your kilt will never be as long as mine!

  5. #94
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    And a few more:




    Steve and Truitt's tartan (he'd gone for lunch and I think that's BruceBC's arm on the right):

    Okiwen's sweat shop crouch (apparently this position helps you sew faster):
    --Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.

  6. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benning Boy View Post
    At Kindall, Nebraska. Long drive today. Got busted for speeding in Idaho. Hint: the fine for speeding in Idaho is the same, $90, whether you're going one mph over the limit, or 15 mph over the limit. Posted is 80. Knowing what I know now, I should have been going 95, I'd get home faster and it wouldn't cost me anymore. He nabbed me fair and square, but it was a touch annoying that he didn't stop those driving faster than me. Only the third speeding ticket in 53 years of driving. It occurred to me today that some people make 8-yard kilts, some people make 20-yard kilts, but I'm making a 4,500-mile kilt. You may be faster Thistledubh, but your kilt will never be as long as mine!
    Speeding to Whistler. I had to spend almost 15 min in the airport bathroom after I was dropped off to remove all the tangles from my hair! We drove fast!
    --Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.

  7. #96
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    Fantastic pictures Dixiecat! I can't wait to see a pic of you dancing in your fantastic new kilt!

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Deesquared For This Useful Post:

  9. #97
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    Linda and I made it back to Anchorage safely. It was pleasant and, thankfully, uneventful trip back home.

    Reunited with the Border Collie (who was none too please to stop and pose for a photo) and toasting new friends and good times.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_4387 (2).jpg 
Views:	185 
Size:	181.6 KB 
ID:	21013

    Here's to a safe journey home to all my fellow Kilt Kampers! I already miss all of you and I hope our paths cross again. Now to unpacking, catching up on yard work, and attempting to put notes together from all I learned at Kilt Kamp.

    "Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Albert Einstein

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  11. #98
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    You crazy cat, 110 kph isn't fast. Any slower and we never would have made it to the museum before closing time. Besides, you seemed to be enjoying. I got busted for doing 143kph in Idaho.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dixiecat View Post
    Speeding to Whistler. I had to spend almost 15 min in the airport bathroom after I was dropped off to remove all the tangles from my hair! We drove fast!

  12. #99
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Finally made it home last evening, Wednesday. I'd really wanted to linger in the Seattle area and look at Pelican class sailboats like mine, and then wind my way home through northern Idaho and Montana, but I'm glad I didn't. I was beat. Another week on the road would have been too much.

    At the motel Tuesday night I almost bumped into another guest in the lobby. There were no excuse me's. Instead, instantly he said, "Nice kilt, sir." Next morning, having coffee in the same lobby, a couple older guys dressed in what seems to be a uniform here in the middle of the country, boots, jeans, and blue plaid shirts, sat scowling at me and mumbling between themselves.

    When I stopped at a really small town in Kansas for gas, the teenage girl clerk, smiled amusingly, as if she were thinking I can't believe a guy in a kilt just walked into my store. I think I'll always travel kilted, it just makes things more interesting.

    The Woman was in awe of my fractionally completed Eternity tartan kilt. I guess I better keep her that way and get the darned thing done. I will be appealing to some of you kampers for advice I suspect.

  13. #100
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    From one Speed Demon to Another

    Quote Originally Posted by Benning Boy View Post
    At Kindall, Nebraska. Long drive today. Got busted for speeding in Idaho. Hint: the fine for speeding in Idaho is the same, $90, whether you're going one mph over the limit, or 15 mph over the limit. Posted is 80. Knowing what I know now, I should have been going 95, I'd get home faster and it wouldn't cost me anymore. He nabbed me fair and square, but it was a touch annoying that he didn't stop those driving faster than me. Only the third speeding ticket in 53 years of driving. It occurred to me today that some people make 8-yard kilts, some people make 20-yard kilts, but I'm making a 4,500-mile kilt. You may be faster Thistledubh, but your kilt will never be as long as mine!
    Possibly true, my friend, but lads and lassies frequently disagree about what is long, and what is fast. Just saying.

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