15th August 14, 12:58 AM
 Originally Posted by Benning Boy
Finally made it home last evening, Wednesday. I'd really wanted to linger in the Seattle area and look at Pelican class sailboats like mine, and then wind my way home through northern Idaho and Montana, but I'm glad I didn't. I was beat. Another week on the road would have been too much.
At the motel Tuesday night I almost bumped into another guest in the lobby. There were no excuse me's. Instead, instantly he said, "Nice kilt, sir." Next morning, having coffee in the same lobby, a couple older guys dressed in what seems to be a uniform here in the middle of the country, boots, jeans, and blue plaid shirts, sat scowling at me and mumbling between themselves.
When I stopped at a really small town in Kansas for gas, the teenage girl clerk, smiled amusingly, as if she were thinking I can't believe a guy in a kilt just walked into my store. I think I'll always travel kilted, it just makes things more interesting.
The Woman was in awe of my fractionally completed Eternity tartan kilt. I guess I better keep her that way and get the darned thing done. I will be appealing to some of you kampers for advice I suspect.
Of course she was! And don't think we won't be watching your progress. Speedy McDriverpants.
15th August 14, 07:20 AM
 Originally Posted by Truitt
Linda and I made it back to Anchorage safely. It was pleasant and, thankfully, uneventful trip back home.
Reunited with the Border Collie (who was none too please to stop and pose for a photo) and toasting new friends and good times.
Attachment 21013
Here's to a safe journey home to all my fellow Kilt Kampers! I already miss all of you and I hope our paths cross again. Now to unpacking, catching up on yard work, and attempting to put notes together from all I learned at Kilt Kamp.
Looking good, Truitt! Glad you made it home without incident. I enjoyed our conversations and hope to see you again.
Member of Clan MacPherson Association
16th August 14, 05:27 PM
One of the coolest things about Kilt Kamp is hearing about it afterwards! I stumbled across Thisthedubh's blog (http://www.maryscotthuff.com/news/20...i-made-at-camp) where she talks about Kilt Kamp to her many followers. Even her famous feet are there!
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to KiltedKnome For This Useful Post:
16th August 14, 05:47 PM
What a wonderful blog!!! Go Mary!!
The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Barb T For This Useful Post:
16th August 14, 09:20 PM
It's grand reading how much you all enjoyed the 2014 edition of Kilt Kamp, and seeing the photos of faces familiar and new. I look forward to attending another Kamp in the future, probably on the west coast like this year's.
 Originally Posted by Benning Boy
It occurred to me today that some people make 8-yard kilts, some people make 20-yard kilts, but I'm making a 4,500-mile kilt. You may be faster Thistledubh, but your kilt will never be as long as mine!
Benning lad, I guess that you may be as inexperienced as I at this caper of hand-stitching a kilt, so I won't dice with you for the least speedy kilt from a kilt kamp. But pour yourself a dram on me by way of consolation: when once I do finish my kilt, I will own the l-o-n-g-e-s-t kilt by a factor of more than three, as my return journey home last year from Clinton NY (discounting the detour I drove down the I-81 to Franklin NC, then to Spring City PA and Woodstock on my way to JFK) was way in excess of 15,000 miles.
But seriously, if this year's Kampers had half the enjoyment that I had last year, the kilt Kamp tradition is in an expanded group of safe hands. Welcome to the club!
Last edited by Grizzled Ian; 16th August 14 at 10:16 PM.
Grizzled Ian
XMTS teaches much about formal kilt wear, but otherwise,
... the kilt is clothes, what you wear with it should be what you find best suits you and your lifestyle. (Anne the Pleater) "Sometimes, it is better not to know the facts" (Father Bill)
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Grizzled Ian For This Useful Post:
17th August 14, 08:04 AM
Shucky darn, I'm crest fallen. I thought maybe I had the longest Kilt Kamp kilt ever, only to find I've been lapped.
No matter Kilt Kamp was great fun. A week with some very smart people, with very broad experiences in life, laughing and joking and talking about everything under the sun, all the way back to the 1890s, was very rewarding and satisfying in and of itself. Kilt making just made it all the better.
17th August 14, 11:20 PM
 Originally Posted by Benning Boy
Shucky darn, I'm crest fallen. I thought maybe I had the longest Kilt Kamp kilt ever, only to find I've been lapped. 
Well, I didn't want to say anything when you first said you had the longest kilt, but I'm afraid you'll have to take 3rd place. Round trip considered, I travelled 12,446km (7734mi.)
--Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.
18th August 14, 12:57 AM
Strangely Ian,
You came up in conversation more than a few times this year. You are surely missed. I know that Harlan spoke with a tear is his one good eye when thoughts of you returned.
I do believe that if your dear lady can see to it, you should make an annual journey. What a great opportunity to shave once a year.
18th August 14, 06:04 AM
 Originally Posted by okiwen
Strangely Ian,
You came up in conversation more than a few times this year. You are surely missed. I know that Harlan spoke with a tear is his one good eye when thoughts of you returned.
I do believe that if your dear lady can see to it, you should make an annual journey. What a great opportunity to shave once a year.
This is indeed true! We would LOVE to have you back at KK next summer!
18th August 14, 08:58 PM
Downloaded my KK pics today and started editing them. Here's the first batch. First, Dixiecat making great progress on the tartan that cannot be named.
Barb Tewksberry, second. Between instructing campers, and writing a major paper on the carbonate petrology of Vancouver Island, (that's what the laptop is for) and practicing the bagpipes, Barb also completed at least six kilts for paying customers during the five days of Kamp.
Emily is living the stereotype. She's as polite as Canadians are supposed to be. However, I wonder what the first words out of her mouth were when she got home to Alberta, where they were having very bad weather. It bet it wasn't sorry.
Thistledubh is a sewing fiend. I think they named Stitch Witchery after her. She's all matchy-matchy. Selected a pin cushion just to go with her tartan. Invite her, if you ever have a party, and you just can't find anyone to be the life of it.
Then there's Plaid Preacher with a mouthful of pins as he works on his Maple Leaf tartan. I wonder if his congregation knows the sound of silence.
The kilting bro's Okiwen and HHastings. Them two boys just ain't right.
Finally, me in Chattahoochee tartan looking for something to wear with my kilt. I probably should have posted the pic in the traditional forum, just to find out if I'm going for too matchy-matchy a look, but the Lairds just don't like to have fun.
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