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  1. #1
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    shirt/tee colors to wear with kilts

    What is the rule or the right thing to wear with kilts ? Do I try to buy shirts that match the colors on your kilt ? Or can u wear a color that isn't on your kilt but still looks good ? I have a Wallace Red Modern, Spirit of Scotland, Dark Shadow Island on Black Tartan, Royal Stewart, and Shaw... Luckily I have a multi color range of tee shirts, but long manly dark earth tones. I just have seen pictures of people wearing checkered shirts, or greys with kilts with no grey in them.. also if there is a dark color on kilt can u wear a lighter color of it ? Also like my Royal Stewart from a distance looks like there is brown so could I wear brown ? Red and brown go..also it looks like there is a lavender color where the blue goes over the red can a lavender shirt go too ? .. The black kilt is easy..black goes w every thing lol... I've seen so many different colors and multi color shirts or shirts that are worn that color isn't on the kilt.. Not sure if its a silly question but had to ask ..... Angie
    Last edited by Angela Kaye Bodine; 19th August 14 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
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    Speaking as a traditional kilted male Scot who rarely ventures into female clothing discussions, I would venture to suggest that you are over-thinking all this, matching stuff. Mrs Jock tends to wear cream, or white as a solid colour blouse when wearing tartan(MacLeod of Harris) skirts(she would never call it a kilt. That is a man's garment.[her words not mine!]) and, for a less formal look, she would wear cream or white based stiped(red/green/grey/blue/pink stripes). Or, white, cream, or pale pink based shirts with a feint tattersall pattern.Hard solid colours and black are avoided at almost all costs.

    For the tartan clad ladies------not that common here, in reality------- of Scotland that seems to be the general choice, I would say. Also, the ladies, like the males in Scotland generally wear just one tartan, their families, or, if they are married, then only their husband's tartan.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 19th August 14 at 06:49 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  4. #3
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    Jock Scot, I appreciate your advice, and your wife advice.. I do tend to over think lol its what I do lol...I like to keep up on stuff, I grew up with only solids if u are gonna wear plaid/prints etc...I totally get what you are saying, and I thank you and your wife.. I like dark colors over lighter colors I tend to spill things on me, have bad luck so to speak lol.. I love pink but hardly wear it because almost all the time something happens to them lol... I not a fan of skirts but the kilt I am.. I saw a lovely lady wearing a kilt last year, and she inspired me, my muse .. I'm not Scottish sadly, I just like the kilts on me does my husband .. I just wanted to know if it was ok, keep to what I have been doing ( which I think is fine) etc or if shirt was completely different color but still looks ok would that be ok.. Thank you again :-)... I had my Royal Stewart on 2 weekends ago, wore it out to a town in Pennsylvania " New Hope " 2 Scottish ladies visiting wanted my picture with them, and I asked if I wore it well etc, they both said yes.. that made my day... :-)
    Last edited by Angela Kaye Bodine; 19th August 14 at 07:41 AM.

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  6. #4
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    Its a free world where you and me live Angela and on most occasions it matters not, really, what we choose to wear and how we choose to wear it. Just so you know Mrs Jock and most(all probably) of the ladies in "our circle" would not wear tartan very often and in Mrs Jock's case, perhaps no more than five or six times a year.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  8. #5
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    My dear Angie, Look to my photo in the August challenge. I have a comfortable and durable t-shirt that highlights the blue of my US Army utility kilt. (After all I am running a chainsaw) The logo on the back is as pink as they come and I am proud of it. It is the family crest of my last wife (messy divorce) that I still am honored to display. I am still an Allegiant to the Ikemori family, Royal guard of Samuri established during the Edo period. Hon, you wear what is best for you for the same reasons that makes you unique.

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  10. #6
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    JockScot, thank you again ... I wear mine often I consider it to be odd if I don't, I go through a kilt withdrawal lol.. I'm building up on my kilts, so I can where more during the week ... Got my mind set on alot lol.. but not going over my budget.. I enjoy them... thank you again, hope you having a good day you and your wife :-)....Angie
    Last edited by Angela Kaye Bodine; 19th August 14 at 10:47 AM.

  11. #7
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    Tarheel , I thank you very much for what you said :-).. once I find the August challenge I will definitely look at your pictures its sounds rather nice.... ( if u can point me in right direction let me know :-).. That is great you still wear your last wife's crest.. Thank you again for your kind words .... Angie. Hope you are having a good day

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela Kaye Bodine View Post
    Tarheel , I thank you very much for what you said :-).. once I find the August challenge I will definitely look at your pictures its sounds rather nice.... ( if u can point me in right direction let me know :-).. That is great you still wear your last wife's crest.. Thank you again for your kind words .... Angie. Hope you are having a good day
    A picture is worth a thousand words my dear!Attachment 21228IMG_0899.jpg

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  14. #9
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    1, put something on.

    2. Stand in front of a mirror.

    3, Do you look good?

    You are either good to go or change your top until you are happy, then you will feel confident and will not worry what others will think.

    There are no silly questions here Angie, just alternative answers at times. My Personal opinion not pointing any fingers anywhere whatsoever!
    Last edited by Grizzly; 19th August 14 at 01:20 PM.
    Friends stay in touch on FB simon Taylor-dando
    Best regards

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  16. #10
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    Tarheel, yes you are very right a picture is worth a thousand words... Very nice.. Thank you for sharing ... the crest is very nice so is your kilt... :-) .. Angie

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