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  1. #11
    Join Date
    12th May 09
    Southwest Missouri
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    They tend to get worn pretty smooth

  2. #12
    Join Date
    5th August 14
    Oxford, Mississippi
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    Can't resist the chance to stir the "chamber" pot direction of this thread. The wood used for a seat "fit for a King's bum" would have been Dogwood. First, it was used as spindles by weavers because the smooth and dense grain doesn't snag material. It's strength (used in hammer heads for fro and adz work with making shakes for roofs) would support the extra weight of the person sitting upon it. It would have had religious connotations. Finally it is generally white except for the heart wood. My forestry professor would be proud that I retained some of his lecture material.

  3. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:

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