1st September 14, 05:27 PM
 Originally Posted by Theyoungkiltman
So imho the optimal solution is that wildcat haven gets the ownership of the tartan, with the provision that Alan H will be the marketer, seller and have the weaving rights. This ensures that the issue of wildcat haven not doing anything with it is non-existent. As Alan H said, wildcat haven is a small operation and does not have the capability to contract-weave, market and sell the tartan.
Actually, I would suggest that the tartan design and all rights for marketing, selling and control of weaving be given to Wildcat Haven. If Alan keeps control of those components, without some official checks and balances, there could be an off-color perception. Perhaps he would could actually become affiliated with the organization in some formal capacity.
I realize that Wildcat Haven is a small organization, but they do need to take some responsibility for promotion and fund raising. If they elect to do nothing with it, then that is their choice and a risk "we" take ("we" being Alan, McMurdo and the group of members making suggestions about the design, of which I admittedly am not included).
1st September 14, 07:11 PM
While we wait on the mods......heard back from Scotweb, that DC Dalgliesh would not be able to meet my proposed timelline, which wasn't exactly "hurry-up-quick" but it wasn't snails pace, either. I wanted them to tell me if Dalgliesh was "interested in the job" in a week to ten days. Not PRODUCE the tartan, but just tell me if they're interested. I thought Dalgliesh was looking for jobs to do, and was a small outfit that could come to decisions quickly, but I guess not.
Time to look further.
Last edited by Alan H; 1st September 14 at 07:13 PM.
1st September 14, 07:15 PM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
While we wait on the mods......heard back from Scotweb, that DC Dalgliesh would not be able to meet my proposed timelline, which wasn't exactly "hurry-up-quick" but it wasn't snails pace, either. I wanted them to tell me if Dalgliesh was "interested in the job" in a week to ten days. Not PRODUCE the tartan, but just tell me if they're interested. I thought Dalgliesh was looking for jobs to do, but I guess not.
Time to look further.
We got quite the chilly reception with our enquiries for the second round (130yd DW) of the R'lyeh sett as well, quite a change from the first round when Kenny was still running the show.
You might want to consider talking to Marton Mills, who were very accomodating, including colour-matching our original custom dyes DEAD ON to the originals for no extra charge (unlike the £300+ Dalgliesh was going to charge us).
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1st September 14, 07:40 PM
 Originally Posted by Terry1948
Actually, I would suggest that the tartan design and all rights for marketing, selling and control of weaving be given to Wildcat Haven. If Alan keeps control of those components, without some official checks and balances, there could be an off-color perception. Perhaps he would could actually become affiliated with the organization in some formal capacity.
I realize that Wildcat Haven is a small organization, but they do need to take some responsibility for promotion and fund raising. If they elect to do nothing with it, then that is their choice and a risk "we" take ("we" being Alan, McMurdo and the group of members making suggestions about the design, of which I admittedly am not included).
I could see how there could be some bad perceptions, but I think that because of the interest and people wanting to buy it, at least one run should be done this way.
2nd September 14, 10:02 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
I like the idea of getting rid of the thin yellow lines so have done that thanks for the suggestion. As for a darker brown the whole idea of the light brown and grey as the background was to evoke the camouflage of the cats so not sure a darker brown would work.
I'm in trouble here: what brown? Possibly my colour blindness kicking in here, I don't have a problem the the browns on the cats on page one but on this I am seeing a base greeny/grey shade not brown. Might just be the picture and my screen of course.
If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!
2nd September 14, 10:17 AM
I hate to have to say it, Glen (McMurdo), but I feel you have gone off track in your design.
You may have been misled by positive comments about it, but I feel you have forgotten entirely about the cat and its colouring.
Possibly also the trendy drive towards weathered setts might also have led you astray.
May I suggest (as the co-instigator of this project) that when you rework your design, you do it with a picture, or several pictures, of Scottish wild cats in front of you.
One of the best features of your earlier drafts was the green for the cat’s eyes, but you have dropped that entirely, in favour of a broad-ish yellow stripe, when there is minimal yellow in the cat’s colouring.
There needs to be a tiny bit of white (perhaps in one- or two-thread-wide stripes) to represent the whiskers. But actual yellow is off beam: you need something more of a dirty calico shade.
You might want to focus on the stripes that appear on the head, on the sides or on the tail. In each instance the black stripes are of differing breadth. But on the side especially, where the stripes are narrow, there are also a great many of them. The brown is paler than what you have come up with, and I must seriously suggest that you look into the designer colours for a more fitting shade.
Alternatively, if the design is thrown open for competitive entries, perhaps I will submit my own design.
I do appreciate that you are trying to avoid excessive costs in production, but in essence this design must represent the real Scottish wild cat, not a fanciful abstraction, so the weavers’ colours do not give you adequate choice.
Last edited by Mike_Oettle; 2nd September 14 at 10:20 AM.
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
[Proverbs 14:27]
2nd September 14, 11:23 AM
Mike I was advised by someone who has seen several Scottish Wildcats in person that the eyes are in fact yellow. I also had several photos of the cat in front of me when I did the design oh and there is white in the tartan. I appreciate what you are saying but as it sits I have been trying to factor many opinions and suggestions and for now this is the design based on my own sensibilities and some of those suggestions. Lets all remember this is a representation of the cat not the cat itself also again as this will be expensive anyway I really must hold to using the weavers colours.
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2nd September 14, 12:14 PM
May I humbly suggest that you at least consider Andrew Elliot Weavers Ltd in Selkirk.
You may be aware that @Calgacus and I are currently working with Robin Elliot to recreate the circa 1800 MacDuff Tartan which features in Matt Newsome's magnificent photos of the original box pleat kilt. I can only say that the experience is deeply rewarding and that Robin is the consummate professional. The colours in the original are all from natural dyes and not in anyone's current colour palette. Robin is having all the colours custom dyed at Lochcarron and this is included in our price of £45 per double width meter. I think that you will find that this is far more reasonable than other weavers who tack on additional charges for custom dying.
I have no doubt that Robin would be more than happy to discuss this exciting new Scottish Wildcat Tartan project with you. He is a pleasure to deal with. When you call or email them, he is the man who answers the phone and the emails. He is also an experienced designer of Tartan and can be invaluable in terms of advising you most carefully in design issues.
"I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Orionson For This Useful Post:
2nd September 14, 12:24 PM
Oh, final point of information - Robin Elliot is a Member of The Scottish Tartans Authority ~ who is the owner of the circa 1800 MacDuff Kilt. The STA graciously loaned me the Kilt on the proviso that I chose a weaver that met with their approval. They were very happy with my decision to use Andrew Elliot Weavers Ltd.
PS... just noticed that my previous post was number 200 for me. I like milestones.
"I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho
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2nd September 14, 12:39 PM
 Originally Posted by Mike_Oettle
Alternatively, if the design is thrown open for competitive entries, perhaps I will submit my own design.
As I understand this thread, anyone is welcome to post a design for consideration and discussion.
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