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  1. #1
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    Question Lochcarron Culloden Ancient/ Has anyone had a kilt made in this tartan?

    In the process of choosing the tartan for my new kilt. 11 swatches on order from Lochcarron, 16 oz. Strome. Culloden Ancient is one of the tartans being seriously considered, and may even be the front runner. Was wondering, has anyone here had a kilt made in this tartan? If so, are you pleased with your choice? (Inquiring minds want to know). I already own Henderson Weathered and Henderson Ancient kilts in Lochcarron Strome 16 oz., looking for a little something different from Henderson tartan, perhaps. Note; I'm not looking for additional suggestions please, already have enough to choose from here, lol! Also being considered are Holyrood Modern, Loch Lomond, Scottish Odyssey, Smith Modern (maternal blood line), Spirit of Scotland Ancient, Auld Scotland, Thompson Red Ancient, Thompson Blue, Urquhart Broad Red Modern (the last three from maternal side of family as well). I Also may be considering, wait for it...... Isle of Skye, for those keeping count of the swatches. I almost feel like I have to own an Isle of Skye kilt at some point, just may not be right now! But who knows? Anyway, all Lochcarron Strome 16 oz. (I like the Strome tartan very well, and look to stay with it for a while). I know, all over the place, right! I believe I will be better positioned to make an educated decision (however it's debatable on the educated part of that statement), after I physically have the swatches in my hands. Just thought I would throw it out to the rabble for your opinion. Not that this is relevant, (or maybe it is), I'm not a petite fellow, a Gentlemen of Substance, and then some! Your thoughts and comments are encouraged. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    I too am considering a few of these tartans (Scottish Odyssey, Smith Modern, etc.). Would you mind posting a few pictures of the swatches, when you do receive them? I'm sure I'm not the only one itching for some pics.

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  4. #3
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    SoCalScotsman, will do so when I receive the swatches. Hope to have them by the end of next week. It's really difficult choosing without seeing the tartans personally. Ordering the tartan swatches is an expense that I feel comfortable in investing in, in order to choose the proper tartan for my taste. Pictures to come, so please stay tuned.


  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighlands4me View Post
    [FONT=georgia]In the process of choosing the tartan for my new kilt. 11 swatches on order from Lochcarron, 16 oz. Strome.
    By all means choose this version if it takes your fancy but you may be interested to know that its colouration is historically at odds with the original coat.
    Last edited by figheadair; 16th October 14 at 11:20 PM.

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  7. #5
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    By all means choose this version if it takes your fancy but you may be interested to know that its colouration is historically at odds with the original coat.

    Figheadair, can you elaborate further please? Are you saying that this particular variation and mill is "historically at odds with the original coat", or all current producers of this tartan "historically at odds with the original coat"? Please advise. Thanks

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighlands4me View Post
    By all means choose this version if it takes your fancy but you may be interested to know that its colouration is historically at odds with the original coat.

    Figheadair, can you elaborate further please? Are you saying that this particular variation and mill is "historically at odds with the original coat", or all current producers of this tartan "historically at odds with the original coat"? Please advise. Thanks
    Peter (Figheadair) has examined the original Culloden coat, and determined what the tartan's correct colors and thread count were.

    Matt Newsome of New House Highland has made kilts from the original Culloden 1746 tartan. This link shows one of them: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...ve-made-73873/

    The tartan as registered with The Scottish Register of Tartans. http://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tar....aspx?ref=5495

    Culloden 1746.jpg
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  10. #7
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    Please excuse my lack of knowledge pertaining to the 1746 Culloden tartan. Thank you Highlander31 for the schooling, much appreciated. I now have a better understanding of things pertaining to this tartan. Again, thanks to all.

  11. #8
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    Now, I think, that has all been clarified to the OP's satisfaction, perhaps Peter can remind us------OK me----- how the tartan came to be known as the "Culloden" tartan?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 18th October 14 at 03:05 AM. Reason: Found my glasses!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Now, I think, that has all been clarified to the OP's satisfaction, perhaps Peter can remind us------OK me----- how the tartan came to be known as the "Culloden" tartan?
    The tartan was first shown by D.W. Stewart in his 1893 work 'Old & Rare Scottish Tartans' where it was named as From a Coat worn at Culloden. At the time Stewart wrote his book the artefact belonged to Gourlay Steell RSA (1804-91) and I can trace its ownership back through another two RSA members to the mid-1800s before which one is left to speculate. My own opinion is that it was probably acquired at some time between 1800-50 from the family of the individual that wore it at Culloden but there is no information on who he, and therefore the family, was.

    Rediscovering the coat was pretty remarkable after it had disappeared for 100 years but I doubt that we will ever be fortunate enough to uncover the identity of the original owner.

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  15. #10
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    I hesitate to pursue this Peter, but is there any actual proof of a connection to either Culloden as a place, or the battle itself? Are we, perhaps, talking hearsay here?
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 20th October 14 at 01:41 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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