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Thread: tartan advice

  1. #11
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    While I also contain my tartan searches to something I might be "connected to", from what I've gathered from the rabble in my relatively short time here the advice given is ubiquitous. Of course there are some tartans that are restricted and therefore we mere common folk never wear them. But, if one can wear a tartan produced for popular consumption for their own good reasons - then wear it.

  2. #12
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Hummel, eh? There is a song from Hamburg about a Hummel who did something daring during a flood, if I recall. (The name recurs in the chorus, recalling the spectators’ cheering of his deed.)
    However the hero appears to have been a visitor from much further south. I used to know a Hummel (sadly now deceased) who came from southern Germany.
    Certainly nobody will shoot you for wearing Buchanan, Micah.
    But there are plenty more tartans you might like to try. There is one in the colours of the German flag, named Germany, several American setts alluding to German ancestry, and one called Coburg which was the district tartan for Germany for well over a century.
    Then there is always Stewart. I see you have one in Stewart Hunting.
    Last edited by Mike_Oettle; 2nd December 14 at 01:26 PM.
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  4. #13
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    I don't know the song Mike but the name is German. From a town bordering Bavaria
    in the Baden-Würtemmburg area. Intriguing, no?

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Oettle View Post
    But there are plenty more tartans you might like to try. There is one in the colours of the German flag, named Germany, several American setts alluding to German ancestry, and one called Coburg which was the district tartan for Germany for well over a century.
    Mike, Wilsons' No 150 or Cobourg was probably only so called for a relatively short period, perhaps 20 years. around 1790-1810 and was likely to have been a Wilsons' attempt to reflect the German influence in the British Royal Family. In their 1819 KPB they refer to the pattern as the Gallant Grahame and by the time of Logan's Scottish Gael (1831) it was Graham and is now known as Graham of Menteith.

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    I share in the ancestry shuffle of a German surname (INGRAM of Hesbania circa 752) linked to a Scottish (Ingram Coluqhoun 1241) Throw in Irwin, Irvine, Kilpatrick or Hedwig of Bavaria and Gunderland and I get the option of many tartans to choose from. A toss of Maternal surnames Creasey, O'Conner, Dorsett and Basinger and I get a wider variety.

    If you feel unique, choose Buchanan; more refined and staid, opt Stewart. If you're kilted in anything else, you can feel both ways if you'd like, if the color, pattern and connection fits you personally.

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  9. #16
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    Well, Peter, I have only the Scottish Register of Tartans to go by (and I know you have a considerable knowledge of tartans, probably wider than that of the SRT), but according to the images there, Graham of Menteith has blue between the black lines and pale blue over the green, while Coburg has purple instead of blue and white instead of pale blue.
    I referred to Coburg as having been a district tartan for that period because in recent years it has been superseded by Germany and several others.
    I doubt that I would wear it, but I quite like the colouring.
    Last edited by Mike_Oettle; 3rd December 14 at 08:11 AM.
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  10. #17
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    The 1819 count for Cobourg definitely had light blue lines. They also wove the sett with white which they called No158 or Graham. Wilsons used purple and blue interchangeably in the early 1800s although purple was used generically for a cheaper blue before c1800 and had been almost completely replaced by blue by 1820 in BKG type setts but purple was retained in RGB type sett for much longer.


  11. #18
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    As a Buchanan myself, I too love the Buchanan tartans. I have a Box-Pleated "Old Sett" (the symmetrical pattern) in Matt Newsome's queue. Among the asymmetrics I own an 8-yd Buchanan Hunting in "Ancient" colors, an 8-yd Buchanan in "Modern", an 8-yd Buchanan in "Reproduction" colors, and a 5-yd casual Buchanan in "Ancient". Of all these, the "Reproduction", by Dalgliesh, is my favorite.


    If you like the Buchanan tartans, I'd say go ahead and wear one.
    Last edited by unixken; 3rd December 14 at 04:10 PM.
    Clan Buchanan
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  13. #19
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    If you cannot find one of the Stewart/Stuart Tartans that pleases you, you simply are not looking in the right place. At my last informal count I found 64 Tartans from just one weaver that carry the name Stewart/Stuart. Then there are all those that carry some Stewart/Stuart connection.

    Buchanan is very nice and I like it.

    But is there any reason you have not considered the German Heritage Tartan?

    My wife is of German heritage and wears German Heritage Tartan with pride.

    Designed by our own Rocky Roeger of USA Kilts even I like this Tartan. You can see the colors of the German flag.

    Any kiltmaker with a Marton Mills account can order this for you.
    Last edited by The Wizard of BC; 3rd December 14 at 05:21 PM.
    Steve Ashton
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    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

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  15. #20
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    First, let me thank you all for your insight it's much appreciated. However I feel I need to clarify.
    I am proud to be a Stewart and gladly wear the tartan. Hunting stewart is my favorite but I also like the subdued colors of stewart black and the regal colors of royal stewart. Lets face it, you can't wear royal Stewart and not carry yourself with a certain bearing. At least in my eyes it is a bold and powerful statement.
    Ken, your kilt looks nice. Wizard, German heritage is actually on the short list. But thank you for showing me.Your wife looks beautiful .
    I was actually more concerned about whether or not it would be appropriate for me to wear Buchanan.
    To clarify, my fathers mother was a Stewart but back about 10 generations the Buchanans married in to the line a few times. I'm not actually certain I'll wear Buchanan as my wife seems not to like it as well. But if I choose to wear it would it be " right " to do so? Does that clear it up? I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in my OP.
    Thanks again.

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