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  1. #31
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    Trouble uploading photos

    I've attempted several times to add photos to this thread but for some reason, I am flummoxed at every turn. The system won't let me upload jpg's or copy and paste.

    I've noticed some others stating that they are also experiencing this problem.

    Do the Moderators have any thoughts/suggestions?

    Thanks for looking into it for me/us.

    "I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
    I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho

  2. #32
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    I have had a mustache/goatee for nearly 20 years, though I think I could grow a nice full beard I'm really rather fond of my straight razors and a full beard would nix most of the shaving that I find so relaxing.

    I was planning on a winter beard and made it about three weeks into the growth when I couldn't withstand the siren call of cold steel, I lopped that beard off in one pass, and haven't skipped a morning shave since.
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  3. #33
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    GrainReaper, it seems as if you are addicted to a drug called steel.
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  5. #34
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    Be glad if you can grow a beard. I got a "Mr Miyagi" facial hair pattern. That means a goatee, dinky moustache and NO growth where my sideburns would be. When I go gray, that is what it's gonna look like. I make up for it by letting my head hair grow a little longer....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Norm Gotch Avatar B.jpg 
Views:	17 
Size:	151.4 KB 
ID:	23492
    "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord....." Psalm 33:12

  6. #35
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    I normally keep about a quarter inch beard. I shaved clean and went for this look for Movember:

    Attachment 23493
    Last edited by Creag; 11th December 14 at 09:09 PM.
    Craig Jones
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  7. #36
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    I have had facial hair for the last 30+ years, from a minimum of a Van Dyke all the way up to a full beard. Very occasionally I have considered going clean-shaven but I guess the thought of having to do maintenance every single day is too much effort.

    Actually, all the males in my family wear some sort of facial hair, even though we never coordinate or even talk about it. Must be something genetic. Or just total family laziness.


  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orionson View Post
    I've attempted several times to add photos to this thread...
    I know there are various methods, but what I use is Photobucket. It's free, and easy to use. Once you create your account you can upload photos from your computer onto your Photobucket page. Then you can click on any photo, then when the photo appears you click on one of the boxes to the right of the photo (URL for example) and it will say "copied". Then on your post here, you do 'control' 'v' and the link will appear on your post. When you're writing or editing your post just the link appears, but when you post your post the photo will appear. I hope this works for you!

    Picasa is probably better than Photobucket. For sure Picasa has great easy-to-use editing features, like straightening a crooked photo, or punching up a faded or washed-out photo, etc. I find Photobucket's editing features both limited and quirky.

    You don't have to use a photo hosting site like Photobucket, though. If your photo is already posted online somewhere you can right-click and choose 'properties' and look for the 'url' (it begins with http and ends with .jpg) copy and paste that information on your post here. However you have to add [img] before it and [/img] after it (no spaces).

    For example I just went to Google Images searching 'Harrapool'. I clicked on this photo, right-clicked, chose 'properties' and copied the 'url'. Here it is, pasted here (note that it begins with http and ends with .jpg)


    Note that no image appears. But when I put [img] in front and [/img] behind, voila

    Last edited by OC Richard; 12th December 14 at 08:29 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  10. #38
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    Thanks, Richard. I used your Url copy/control v method for this pic and it seems to have worked in so far as the image has loaded, albeit as a signpost needing to be clicked in order to see the image. As it happens, I already have Picassa on my system and that's where my pc photos are stored. The copy/paste method doesn't work right off my file, this pic came from my Facebook page.

    In my view, I'm only half way there, pic posting wise. I would much rather that the image itself appears right from the off, rather than folks having to click a link.

    Anyway, back to the Beard & Mustache theme of the thread. This picture was taken on Saturday night specifically for this thread. The Watercolour on the wall behind me was painted in 1979. I had been asked to sit for an Adult Education Portrait Painting Class in the JHS I was teaching in. The Teacher/Artist requested that I bring some props so the Balmoral and pipe seemed to work. This painting is the one she painted on the night. She called it "Clan MacDuff". I've saved this photo as "Yesterday & Today +35".

    I've had a full beard from the age of 18 apart from 7 years when my employer forbade them. When I came home clean shaven on my first day my wee daughter asked me "who are you and what did you do with my Dad?"

    I don't "wear" a beard. Whiskers are just part of who I am. I have shaved it off a few times in my life on the odd, usually alcohol fueled, whim. However, each time before I was even half done, I knew I'd made a mistake. I just feel naked and somehow incomplete without my beard.

    Nowadays, I don't have to shave my neck or my jaw bone near my ears because the massive Radiation I received for Neck Cancer 2.5 years ago fried not only the two tumours, but everything else in it's burning path including hair follicles, taste buds and salivary glands.

    I was late stage 4 when I discovered one of the tumours in the shower.
    I'm lucky to be alive. Losing some of my whiskers was a small price to pay.

    https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10153845_10152979336764835_4837456377354586034_n.j pg?oh=f35b448d283502a601e6ed6117989701&oe=5502B61F

    This was also taken for this thread. The gentleman in the blue shirt is my Dad. He was about 62 when I took the photo just minutes before he shaved off his beard. Mum preferred him clean shaven because she thought he was so handsome and the whiskers made him look older than he was. I'll be 60 in August, so we're not too far off in age here.

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/25879_377787409834_2657783_n.jpg?oh=30a8b4f5221975 0606f1b21618788f82&oe=550283D6&__gda__=1426116071_ 304344e8c6507807d2f3fa0c3e719644

    This is Dad, age 81, in the garden of our home at Braefarm House in Easter Ross.
    Last edited by Orionson; 14th December 14 at 04:27 AM.
    "I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
    I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho

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  12. #39
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    "I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
    I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho

  13. #40
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    "I seek not to follow in the footsteps of the men of old.
    I seek the things they sought." ~ Basho

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