Do Not Fash yerself
I am with you, Jock, but, let us remember the old forum denominations were The Kilt Styles. Weren't they? New Words were needed to show the new enlightened outlook. It seems the new terminology was not meant so much to lump all of kilt wearing into "fashion" as to allow us to distinguish one fashion of kilt wearing from another. As in "He behaves in a gentlemanly fashion." That usage of the F word is pretty old, too.
Advertising copywriters have made a fortune distinguishing their clients' stylish wares from merely fashionable ones, while their partners sold other goods as The Height of Fashion. Somehow, in that context, Stylish is durable and good looking, while Fashionable is fast and a little cheap- and attractive as the devil.
I agree with you, we want to be Timeless and Durable, but now and then, it's not the end of the world if others see us as attractive as the devil, too.
Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife