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  1. #11
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
    Mike_Oettle is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
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    Pit Rat, while you tell us you are running out of time, I have two thoughts for you:
    1. Polyviscose is an excellent kilt material, but beware of acrylic because it can catch fire.
    2. Grey fashion tartans do not excite me. Even traditional grey tartans (there are a few) don’t light my fire either. (No pun intended.)
    Tartan has traditionally been colourful. Grey does not meet this criterion.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

  2. #12
    Join Date
    3rd August 13
    Lanark Highlands, Ontario, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by imrichmond View Post
    Canadian Casual Kilts claims to have the exclusive rights to the Maple Leaf tartan in polyviscose. I haven't dealt with this company, so cannot comment on their service or the quality of their products. It appears to be a Canadian company, but there is no physical address given on their website.

    I can be pretty sure they are Canadian, and likely in Toronto, because I recognize the men modelling the kilts as members of this forum, and at least one I have met in person.

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