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  1. #11
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    Got my shipping notice for my two kilts. WOW Half expected the pre order game of previous years. They must feel they have a winner to invest in having all the colors and sizes made in advance, and in quantity.
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

  2. #12
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    I believe they made them ahead of the "release" last year, as mine shipped immediately (this year also). But when they're out, they're out.
    Tulach Ard

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  4. #13
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    Well, my wife insisted I order one because she decided I would like it. I'm not so sure about the freedom of movement. Looks restrictive in the hind quarters to me.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cizinec View Post
    Well, my wife insisted I order one because she decided I would like it. I'm not so sure about the freedom of movement. Looks restrictive in the hind quarters to me.
    Nope. As long as the kilt fits you in the hips and the fell stops in more or less the right place you shouldn't have any binding up or restriction of movement 'round the back.

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couper View Post
    Unfortunately, their sales page does not offer assorted lengths. I'm also surprised that they do not mention the length of the "one length fits all garment." (At least I didn't see it. But, it's been a long week.)

    I'm ready to order a second utility kilt - so I'll be going back to AmeriKilt. There I can order by waist size and length. I have this one (Black): http://www.amerikilt.com/shop/amerikilts/black-2/ - available in 15 waist sizes (measured at jeans waist) and three lengths. The best part is that my wife wants me to order the olive version and then the saffron one. Who am I to argue, eh?
    How badly do they wrinkle when you sit down? I have a utility kilt that wrinkles horribly when I sit down, though in my case I'm getting what I paid for.

  7. #16
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    Just ordered a Multicam; 'have khaki, OD, "coyote" from previous years (2012 and 13).

    THEY ARE OUT OF THE KILT T-SHIRT IN XL ALREADY!? Wuzzup wif dat noize?

    Oh, wait, it must be; tactical kilts are hip (yay) and trendy (boo).

    In this opinion, the 5.11 TDK is THE best cheap non-tartan beat em' up kilt on the market.

    As an astute observer stated earlier, the 5.11 TDK replaces for most reasonable weather, cargo pants and shorts.

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  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ratspike View Post
    Nope. As long as the kilt fits you in the hips and the fell stops in more or less the right place you shouldn't have any binding up or restriction of movement 'round the back.
    Well, I got it yesterday. My 14 year-old immediately ordered himself one when he saw it, and his wallet ain't near as deep as mine, so he must have liked it too. Heck, I'll be hard pressed to ever have a reason for trousers now. Except for work. BOOOOOO Work.
    Last edited by cizinec; 7th May 15 at 07:18 PM. Reason: subject verb agreement thingy

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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Sweeney View Post
    How badly do they wrinkle when you sit down? I have a utility kilt that wrinkles horribly when I sit down, though in my case I'm getting what I paid for.
    Nick, I haven't had any real wrinkle issues with my TDKs. But I am in the habit of sweeping pleats. These poly cotton blends are quite good and not getting wrinkles or pleat edge curls. It doesn't seem to matter whether hang dried or machine dried (lowest heat).
    slàinte mhath, Chuck
    Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
    "My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
    Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.

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  13. #19
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    Just received the multicam, it could become the new fave 5.11.

    Re the length issue, on this writer, length is fine with waistband at normal kilt length, 1 inch above navel. It appears a competent tailor could probably shorten by turning the hem or re-hem this garmet; after all, it's (basically) unbifurcated ripstop cargo shorts.

    'Never experienced wrinkling or binding with this garment, but am of "genreic build, so" maybe it was "bespoke by default." And dijja ever notice how severely wrinkled a lot of folks' cargo shorts are?

  14. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hood View Post
    Just received the multicam, it could become the new fave 5.11.

    Re the length issue, on this writer, length is fine with waistband at normal kilt length, 1 inch above navel.
    Likewise. But I like to wear my cargo/contemporary/casual kilts at jeans height, so I'll be shortening by 2".

    Tulach Ard

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