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  1. #1
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    Scotland Trip Advice from Scots or recent visitors

    I'm headed to Scotland next week (update: 22 July, not 14!) for a 3 week visit! It's my first time visiting. After much debate and re-reading several posts on the topic, I'm bringing my casual 16oz Black Watch kilt for hiking wear and possibly to a pub or two (Hootananny?). I have one evening event and also a day event where a kilt would be appropriate and for those I may hire a proper kilt with a jacket but wear my own hose, etc. if I hire the kilt. I appreciate all the XMarks discussions on the wearing of kilts in Scotland, especially when worn by non-Scots.

    I'll be in Edinburgh, Inverness, Caithness, Orkney, Kyle of Lochalsh (with a day trip to Skye), the Cairngorms and Speyside. There probably will be a day trip to Stirling from Edinburgh. Some hiking, bicycling, distillery tours, family genealogy research, and visiting as many Pictish stones and neolithic sites as possible. And the beautiful countryside. And the museums, castles and the architecture both new and old. And there is the Fringe...Oh, and hopefully at least a half day fishing. 3 weeks is not nearly enough!

    Now for the advice...weather-wise, it seems low 60s Fahrenheit with fog in Inverness with Edinburgh a couple of degrees warmer, Wick and Orkney look to be cooler and wetter. I'm bringing my waxed Barbour jacket. I'm from San Francisco, so layering with wool is part of my normal attire anyway and I'll pack merino tees and a lightweight merino sweaters/jumper and a glen plaid viyella collared shirt along with a regular tattersall shirt and chinos. Footwear is a pair of Clark's brogues, surprisingly "walk-friendly" and dress up nicely and also bringing Keen waterproof hike shoes. Very light-duty, but should suffice for what I'm doing. I'm trying to travel light and a couple of my accommodations have laundry available allowing me to bring less and wash along the way. Any other suggestions about weather or clothing welcome.

    I've gathered many suggestions for places to visit from various threads on XMarks and appreciate everyone's sharing them. I'll be posting pictures of any kilt-related events and if any Xmarkers are going to be at the Clan Chattan gathering, Highland Field Sports Fair, Newtonmore games, or possibly the Strathpeffer or Abernethy games, or are located in any of my travel stops, drop me a note or PM and we can try for a meet up. I'll be on train or public transportation for part of the trip, then have a car for the bulk of the Highlands. Yes, I have confirmed an automatic shift. Hopefully that's what I'll actually get.
    Last edited by California Highlander; 16th July 15 at 07:58 AM. Reason: typo

    Clan Mackintosh North America / Clan Chattan Association
    Cormack, McIntosh, Gow, Finlayson, Farquar, Waters, Swanson, Ross, Oag, Gilbert, Munro, Turnbough,
    McElroy, McCoy, Mackay, Henderson, Ivester, Castles, Copeland, MacQueen, McCumber, Matheson, Burns,
    Wilson, Campbell, Bartlett, Munro - a few of the ancestral names, mainly from the North-east of Scotland

  2. #2
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    Bring a 'TANK" kilt if you have one and wear it for ALL events that you wish to wear a kilt to, it is more versatile that way. I doubt that anyone will know what a casual kilt is.Your Barbour and layers is the way to go, but don't forget a hat! Whilst our temperatures may not be high, there is little air pollution so people can and DO suffer from sun burn. Please, please, PLEASE do not wear a flat cap with the kilt and whilst bare-headed is the usual choice of the locals a balmoral, fore and aft, deerstalker(the last two as informal kilt attire) is worn with the kilt and/or trousers when required. A flat tweed cap, John Deere style hat, anything really is fine when when worn with trousers. The "fog" is known as "haar" by the way. Have fun.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th July 15 at 01:45 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  4. #3
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    Since the weather can change in a moment layering is the key, as you say.

    I brought a thin lightweight rainproof jacket with hood and compact folding umbrella and these things were on my person at all times. You can get rain every day, you never know. I wore the ever-present American baseball cap, because I could pull the jacket's hood over it for full rain protection.

    As Jock says the sun, when it comes out, can be very intense!

    I'm a very light packer, one carry-on only for a fortnight, so things are pared to a minimum: one pair of shoes (with size 14 feet a second pair of shoes would almost fill my entire luggage capacity) one jacket one hat etc. No kilt for me, because it would take an entire piece of luggage for it and the associated stuff. I had to do when our Pipe Band went, but when on holiday, no.

    Sounds like a fantastic trip!! You will have the time of your life, I guarantee it.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 16th July 15 at 05:10 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Bring a 'TANK" kilt if you have one and wear it for ALL events that you wish to wear a kilt to, it is more versatile that way. I doubt that anyone will know what a casual kilt is.Your Barbour and layers is the way to go, but don't forget a hat! Whilst our temperatures may not be high, there is little air pollution so people can and DO suffer from sun burn. Please, please, PLEASE do not wear a flat cap with the kilt and whilst bare-headed is the usual choice of the locals a balmoral, fore and aft, deerstalker(the last two as informal kilt attire) is worn with the kilt and/or trousers when required. A flat tweed cap, John Deere style hat, anything really is fine when when worn with trousers. The "fog" is known as "haar" by the way. Have fun.
    Ah if I only owned a tank!! Mine is a 16oz Locharran, but only 4ish yards, so kind of "pleat light". It's actually nice for hiking, but probably not for other events. I'll remedy that someday, but decided on using my funds visiting Scotland before buying another kilt.

    On the hat front, I'm in agreement with you about the flat cap. My thinking is to buy something in or around Inverness so I have a usable "souvenir". Balmoral would be my first choice. If there's heavy rain, I might also buy a Barbour waxed cotton "baseball" style for wear with trousers.

    Hopefully I won't see to much haar!!

    Clan Mackintosh North America / Clan Chattan Association
    Cormack, McIntosh, Gow, Finlayson, Farquar, Waters, Swanson, Ross, Oag, Gilbert, Munro, Turnbough,
    McElroy, McCoy, Mackay, Henderson, Ivester, Castles, Copeland, MacQueen, McCumber, Matheson, Burns,
    Wilson, Campbell, Bartlett, Munro - a few of the ancestral names, mainly from the North-east of Scotland

  7. #5
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    Haar is not very frequent and usually affects only a 3 or 4 mile strip down the east coast.

  8. The Following User Says 'Aye' to neloon For This Useful Post:

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by neloon View Post
    Haar is not very frequent and usually affects only a 3 or 4 mile strip down the east coast.
    Glad to hear!!

    Seems as if the weather will be a significant character in my trip's story. However, I'm still hoping to bring some "California sunshine" to Scotland later this week.

    Clan Mackintosh North America / Clan Chattan Association
    Cormack, McIntosh, Gow, Finlayson, Farquar, Waters, Swanson, Ross, Oag, Gilbert, Munro, Turnbough,
    McElroy, McCoy, Mackay, Henderson, Ivester, Castles, Copeland, MacQueen, McCumber, Matheson, Burns,
    Wilson, Campbell, Bartlett, Munro - a few of the ancestral names, mainly from the North-east of Scotland

  10. The Following User Says 'Aye' to California Highlander For This Useful Post:

  11. #7
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    I am sorry but I may have missed the comments about your recent trip to Scotland. Anyway, how did it go?
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  12. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:


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