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Thread: Sport Attire

  1. #1
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    Sport Attire

    Would greatly appreciate ideas on what kit to wear for Highland Games as a spectator. I am retired military and lean more to the field or marshall type look.
    Many thanks in advance, as I'm sure this has been discussed many times before.

  2. #2
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    Good question. Ask a hundred people and you will get a hundred different answers. However, you being a military type then the smarter more traditional style might be your style. Have a look at the "Traditional kilt wear " section and there are a whole host of informative threads and posts there, that may be helpful to you. In particular look at the first post( sticky), and "Why Traditional?" and "Do you have a favourite level of traditional Dress?" threads -------both very near the top of the list.

    I have to say that there are very real differences in climate and retired military thoughts and traditions between Scotland and the USA in particular and you will need to remember that whilst reading the assorted posts. One thing that must be remembered at all times is that you are dressing as a civilian, so uniform regulations do not necessarily apply. There are no rules in civilian kilt attire, although aesthetics, good taste, convention, traditions and common sense do apply. Good luck.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 30th July 15 at 02:59 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  4. #3
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    To give you a very simple answer, consider what you would normally wear and replace the pants with a kilt.

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  6. #4
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    If you are asking about tartan, you certainly have choices. There are always the family based tartans. There are also district tartans if you prefer (such as state tartans or likewise). There are also military tartans for each branch of service. Some are official military tartans, whereas other services do not have officially recognized tartans even if the ones worn are fairly universal of their representative services. On the other hand, you probably already have a kilt...so never mind.

    Traditional manner of dressing is my preference, but you will see all manner of dress at the games. There is no rule or expectation. People tend to wear whatever makes them comfortable--keep temperature and climate in mind as well.

    Best of luck!

  7. #5
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    Many thanks for the great advice!

  8. #6
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    You'll be fine. Dress for climate in layers that can be removed or added as needed for the day (or weekend) requirements. Be prepared for conversations with strangers. I've observed that all our former military folks seem to revert to the posture (while kilted) that denotes pride in service. People recognize that "stance" with or without extra indicators such as medals on lapels.

  9. #7
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    Thanks, Tarheel!
    'Been having a great time browsing the traditional kits and have narrowed my shirt selection to the more utilitarian, double breast pocket type, aka workshirt.
    Footwear was another category, but again, I'm finding a good array of rugged shoes/boots.
    The one question I failed to mention earlier is headgear. When is a cap required/not required? I realize that civilian attire is relatively open, but I would hate to offend my Scottish cousins my committing a faux pas. (Sorry, some habits are hard to break!)

  10. #8
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    I think most kilted Scots choose to go bare headed. A bonnet(hat) is not essential and often only sees the light of day when the elements dictate.I know old habits particularly military ones are reluctant to die, but the super shrunk, shaved, and moulded to the head shape-------that rather severe military look-------- are best avoided with the civilian balmoral. In fact, a rather dishevelled, lived in, beaten up look, is the choice of many.

    Just so you know there is a "hot potato" subject here on this website and that is the subject of wearing flat caps and John deere style caps with the kilt. All I will say on the subject is that both styles of headwear are rarely worn in Scotland these days with the kilt and many here do regard the wearing of these items with the kilt, as a faux pas. What you decide on this matter is entirely your choice. However, I do note that you have no wish to offend your 'Scottish cousins"(an expression rarely used in Scotland by the way and actually can cause offence).
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 18th August 15 at 12:46 AM. Reason: found my glasses.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  12. #9
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    As a "hat guy" I can give only biased advice on head wear. I normally wear a bandana but have ball caps, a Stetson, Glengarry for formal events outside, beret, motorcycle helmets (full face and "brain lid"), camo-campaign, clip visor, etc and more. My suggestions would be "shady".

  13. #10
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    Thanks, guys! (...and especially to you, Jock. I will strike the word "cousin" from my Scottish lexicon. The more I think about it, it must connote kind of a "Jethro" twinge to those in the Isles!)

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